Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: kim

El lápiz / Silent Book / Hyeeun Kim – mundo azul

„This book begins with a wonderful idea. Someone sharpens a pencil and the shavings of cut wood, when they fall, become branches and leaves, which later transform into a forest where innumerable beings live in harmony. Birds take off splendidly when the wind blows…If the book ended here, it would have been a pretty fan
Spanisch / Español El lápiz / Silent Book / Hyeeun Kim

El lápiz / Silent Book / Hyeeun Kim – mundo azul

„This book begins with a wonderful idea. Someone sharpens a pencil and the shavings of cut wood, when they fall, become branches and leaves, which later transform into a forest where innumerable beings live in harmony. Birds take off splendidly when the wind blows…If the book ended here, it would have been a pretty fan
Bilderbuch ohne Text El lápiz / Silent Book / Hyeeun Kim

El lápiz / Silent Book / Hyeeun Kim – mundo azul

„This book begins with a wonderful idea. Someone sharpens a pencil and the shavings of cut wood, when they fall, become branches and leaves, which later transform into a forest where innumerable beings live in harmony. Birds take off splendidly when the wind blows…If the book ended here, it would have been a pretty fan
Bilderbuch ohne Text El lápiz / Silent Book / Hyeeun Kim

연필 / The pencil / Kinderbuch Koreanisch / Kim Hye-eun

Dieses Bilderbuch ohne Text beginnt mit einer unsinnigen Vorstellung. Dies ist ein Bilderbuch, das die Erwartung weckt, wie wunderbar es wäre, wenn die Vorstellung des Autors, dass ein Baum wächst und ein Wald wird, wenn der Bleistift angespitzt wird, absurd ist. Die Künstlerin zeigt, wie aus Bleistiften Bäume werden,
Books 연필 / The pencil / Kinderbuch Koreanisch / Kim