Tasks to get started – Dynamikum https://dynamikum.de/offers/tasks-to-get-started/?lang=en
started SUGGESTIONS FOR STARTING TASKS During the first visit, it pays to have
started SUGGESTIONS FOR STARTING TASKS During the first visit, it pays to have
In the evening, you can have the museum to yourself.
§ 2 Your Rights (1) You have the following rights vis-à-vis us regarding your
| 26.07.2018 SUGGESTIONS FOR STARTING TASKS During the first visit, it pays to have
All Offers
| 26.07.2018 SUGGESTIONS FOR STARTING TASKS During the first visit, it pays to have
Offers for schools As an extracurricular place of learning, we offer comprehensive options for school class visits. Puzzle tours, worksheets and our measuring box encourage students to engage intensively with the subject matter.
Interested group supervisors have the opportunity […]
Offers for Kindergartens Play and fun, research and discovery are par for the course in the Dynamikum. Let your curiosity run wild!
Interested group supervisors have the opportunity […]
id= »764422″ width= »900px » titletext= »Contact » btntext= »Contact »] If you have
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Offers for families Thanks to countless moments of discovery, a family excursion becomes a unique experience.
| 26.07.2018 SUGGESTIONS FOR STARTING TASKS During the first visit, it pays to have