Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: danger

Centroamérica: Honduras: between the General Budget and the Danger of Disregarding the Institutionality

During the month of September, Honduras lived through a series of measures that tipped the balance towards a negative assessment of freedoms and the Rule of Law.
International Politics DE Menü öffnen Centroamérica Honduras: between the General Budget and the Danger

A necessary controversy: Defining “fake news”

When it refers to falsehood masquerading as news, the phrase represents an insidious danger to both the
When it refers to falsehood masquerading as news, the phrase represents an insidious danger to both the

Armenia: EU Mission in Armenia and Russia

Russia perceives this mission as a competition and a danger to its interests.
Russia perceives this mission as a competition and a danger to its interests.

Freedom Fights Fake | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

incitement against dissenters and manipulation with false or falsified depictions have developed into a danger – Stigmatisation through disinformation involves the danger of discrimination against minorities.
incitement against dissenters and manipulation with false or falsified depictions have developed into a danger

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Oceans – Englisch – DiLerTube | OER Lehr- und Lernvideos

But the sea is in danger: overfishing, plastic waste, acidification, species extinction.
But the sea is in danger: overfishing, plastic waste, acidification, species extinction.

Coral Reefs - Englisch - DiLerTube | OER Lehr- und Lernvideos

Eine Höraufnahme über Korallenriffe, (Text s.u.) geeignet für den Regelstandard der Phase 7. From above, the ocean seems empty. Like a desert made of water it seems barren and uninhabited. But that is just on the surface. Let us explore the colours and life that exists on the coral reefs. Coral reefs are only found in shallow, tropical seas. They may look like colourful rocks or even plants. But coral really is an animal. Corals are built by polyps, which are very small creatures related to jellyfish. Unlike jellyfish, corals do not move. They grow together in a colony called coral head. A small piece of coral may be made of hundreds of polyps. A bigger one may have thousands! Corals grow slowly. Only a few centimeters per year. It can take hundreds of years to form large pieces. Some corals are hard, others are soft. They may look like fans, bushes or feathers. But no matter what they look like, corals are a colony of tiny animals living together. When many corals grow close together, it is called a reef. Reefs are a very important habitat for fish and other sea creatures. Algae and sponges grow in a reef, which in turn, provides food for a variety of creatures such as the sea turtle. Sea turtles rely on the food, which grows in the reef. And the reef, in turn, relies on the turtles. It is a partnership, that benefits both creatures. The sea turtles get a reliable source of food as they eat the algae and sponges off the reef. Without the sea turtles coming and eating these algae and sponges, the reef would be overgrown by them. Preventing the coral from growing and expanding. With lowered turtle population in oceans worldwide, the health of coral reef systems will suffer. It is important that we do our best to protect these peaceful reptiles. Coral reefs are sometimes called
Right now, more than half of the world’s reef systems are in danger.

Coral Reefs - Englisch - DiLerTube | OER Lehr- und Lernvideos

Eine Höraufnahme über Korallenriffe, (Text s.u.) geeignet für den Regelstandard der Phase 7. From above, the ocean seems empty. Like a desert made of water it seems barren and uninhabited. But that is just on the surface. Let us explore the colours and life that exists on the coral reefs. Coral reefs are only found in shallow, tropical seas. They may look like colourful rocks or even plants. But coral really is an animal. Corals are built by polyps, which are very small creatures related to jellyfish. Unlike jellyfish, corals do not move. They grow together in a colony called coral head. A small piece of coral may be made of hundreds of polyps. A bigger one may have thousands! Corals grow slowly. Only a few centimeters per year. It can take hundreds of years to form large pieces. Some corals are hard, others are soft. They may look like fans, bushes or feathers. But no matter what they look like, corals are a colony of tiny animals living together. When many corals grow close together, it is called a reef. Reefs are a very important habitat for fish and other sea creatures. Algae and sponges grow in a reef, which in turn, provides food for a variety of creatures such as the sea turtle. Sea turtles rely on the food, which grows in the reef. And the reef, in turn, relies on the turtles. It is a partnership, that benefits both creatures. The sea turtles get a reliable source of food as they eat the algae and sponges off the reef. Without the sea turtles coming and eating these algae and sponges, the reef would be overgrown by them. Preventing the coral from growing and expanding. With lowered turtle population in oceans worldwide, the health of coral reef systems will suffer. It is important that we do our best to protect these peaceful reptiles. Coral reefs are sometimes called
Right now, more than half of the world’s reef systems are in danger.

Englisch - DiLerTube | OER Lehr- und Lernvideos

In einer modernen und globalisierten Welt, die von zunehmender Mobilität und Vernetzung geprägt ist, stellen Fremdsprachenkenntnisse eine wichtige Grundlage für den internationalen Dialog dar.
Right now, more than half of the world’s reef systems are in danger.

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When The World Was Ours – Liz Kessler

As his father rises up the Nazi ranks, he suddenly finds that he is the danger his friends are trying
As his father rises up the Nazi ranks, he suddenly finds that he is the danger his friends are trying

When The World Was Ours - Liz Kessler

As his father rises up the Nazi ranks, he suddenly finds that he is the danger his friends are trying
As his father rises up the Nazi ranks, he suddenly finds that he is the danger his friends are trying

Books for Children Archives - Liz Kessler

The world is at war and as the Nazis’ power grows, Jewish families are in terrible danger.

Teenagers Archives - Liz Kessler

The world is at war and as the Nazis’ power grows, Jewish families are in terrible danger.

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Interview ramoneuse – Jeunes reporters | Grand méchant loup

Les jeunes reporters ont eu l’occasion d’interviewer une ramoneuse – un métier inhabituel pour une femme !
Il faut savoir estimer le danger. Et ne pas avoir le vertige, c’est clair.

Dossier spécial presse, médias, journalisme - Interviews avec des journalistes pros : Rencontre avec un Journaliste de Reporters sans frontières concernant la liberté de presse

La liberté et la démocratie grâce à la liberté de presse : la découverte des objectifs et des actions de Reporters Sans frontières grâce à la rencontre de Hervé Deguine, ancien directeur adjoint de Reporters Sans Frontières
Sa mission, c’est d’aider les journalistes partout dans le monde où ils sont en danger, et d’aider les

Interview Knut Kühn-Leitz, le petit-fils de l'entrepreneur Ernst Leitz - Jeunes reporters | Grand méchant loup

Les appareils photos Leica >>>        La période nazie >>>        Sauver des gens >>>          Les dangers

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Essma Imady: Thicker than Water –– Minneapolis Institute of Art

narrative centers around the journey one must take to remove oneself and one’s children from danger
refugee narrative centers around the journey one must take to remove oneself and one’s children from danger

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Coronavirus-Quiz | Seitenstark

Cooperative vital danger Corona virus disease Cover identification disaster 2 Co steht für Corona

Coronavirus-Quiz | Seitenstark

Cooperative vital danger Corona virus disease Cover identification disaster 2 Co steht für Corona

Coronavirus-Quiz | Seitenstark

Cooperative vital danger Corona virus disease Cover identification disaster 2 Co steht für Corona

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Wayfaring stranger | Labbé Kinderseiten

Zahlreiche Lieder aus aller Welt zum Anhören, Singen, Klatschen und Tanzen. Neben Noten und Gitarregriffen finden sich auf dem Angebot des Labbé Verlages
But there’s no sickness no toil or danger in that bright world to which I go.

Entendez-vous | Labbé Kinderseiten

Kinderlieder Singen und Spielen Kinderleichte Kanons Entendez-vous Entendez-vous le carillon, digue dang

Amazing Grace | Labbé Kinderseiten

Zahlreiche Lieder aus aller Welt zum Anhören, Singen, Klatschen und Tanzen. Neben Noten und Gitarregriffen finden sich auf dem Angebot des Labbé Verlages
Tho’s many dangers, toils and snares, I have already come; ‚tis grace hath bro’t me safe thus far, and

Frère Jacques | Labbé Kinderseiten

Zahlreiche Lieder aus aller Welt zum Anhören, Singen, Klatschen und Tanzen. Neben Noten und Gitarregriffen finden sich auf dem Angebot des Labbé Verlages
Ding, dang, dong. Ding, dang, dong.

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Gemeinsame Stellungnahme zum Verordnungsentwurf der Europäischen Kommission zu sexuellem Missbrauch von Kindern im Internet –

ECPAT Deutschland, Innocence in Danger, das Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk und die Stiftung Digitale Chancen
Europäischen Kommission zu sexuellem Missbrauch von Kindern im Internet ECPAT Deutschland, Innocence in Danger

Gemeinsame Stellungnahme zum Verordnungsentwurf der Europäischen Kommission zu sexuellem Missbrauch von Kindern im Internet -

ECPAT Deutschland, Innocence in Danger, das Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk und die Stiftung Digitale Chancen
Europäischen Kommission zu sexuellem Missbrauch von Kindern im Internet ECPAT Deutschland, Innocence in Danger

Gemeinsame Stellungnahme zum Verordnungsentwurf der Europäischen Kommission zu sexuellem Missbrauch von Kindern im Internet -

ECPAT Deutschland, Innocence in Danger, das Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk und die Stiftung Digitale Chancen
Europäischen Kommission zu sexuellem Missbrauch von Kindern im Internet ECPAT Deutschland, Innocence in Danger

Gemeinsame Stellungnahme zum Verordnungsentwurf der Europäischen Kommission zu sexuellem Missbrauch von Kindern im Internet -

ECPAT Deutschland, Innocence in Danger, das Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk und die Stiftung Digitale Chancen
Europäischen Kommission zu sexuellem Missbrauch von Kindern im Internet ECPAT Deutschland, Innocence in Danger

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Threatened + Endangered Species – South Florida Aquatic Environments

Turtles American Crocodile American Alligator Manatee Wood Stork „Endangered“ species are in danger
Sea Turtles American Crocodile American Alligator Manatee Wood Stork “Endangered” species are in danger

Chief’s Wearing Blanket – Rare, Beautiful & Fascinating: 100 Years @FloridaMuseum

The Navajo made this blanket at a time when they were being forced onto reservations and in danger of
Book The Navajo made this blanket at a time when they were being forced onto reservations and in danger

Threatened + Endangered Species – South Florida Aquatic Environments

Largo Cotton Mouse Key Largo Woodrat Sea Turtles American Alligator „Endangered“ species are in danger
Largo Cotton Mouse Key Largo Woodrat Sea Turtles American Alligator “Endangered” species are in danger

Alopias pelagicus – Discover Fishes

They are not considered a danger to humans. Historically, they were prized
They are not considered a danger to humans.

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