Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: danger

Spirituality on the way to globalisation | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

The massive success of ancient spiritual teachings such as yoga, tai chi, qi gong and feng shui indicates that spirituality is not what it once was according to anthropologist Peter van der Veer from the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity. Examining the significance of the spiritual and its transformation processes in modern societies using the example of China and India, van der Veer found that the spiritual and secular arose at the same time in the 19th century as two related alternatives to institutionalised religion in the Euro-American modern age and discovered no mention of Hinduism, Taoism or Confucianism in Asia prior to the encounter with Western imperialism.
West and in particular British colonial power as dangers

Critical ignoring as a core competence for digital citizens | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Low-quality and misleading information online can hijack people’s attention, often by evoking curiosity, outrage, or anger. Resisting certain types of information and actors online requires people to adopt new mental habits that help them avoid being tempted by attention-grabbing and potentially harmful content. Anastasia Kozyreva, Research Scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, argues that digital information literacy must include the competence of critical ignoring—choosing what to ignore and where to invest one’s limited attentional capacities. Critical ignoring is not merely about a skill of not paying attention, but about mindful and healthy information habits in the digital world.
emotional because it prepares us to avoid possible dangers

Protecting ourselves against Internet manipulation | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

In the online world users’ attention is a precious currency, and online environments are designed to capture and steer that attention. Yet users and legislators currently have little to say in how these environments are regulated and controlled; How can we respond to these challenges of the digital age and how might the design of the online world be improved? A team of researchers addressed these questions from the perspective of behavioral science and now propose some answers.
Recognize manipulation and other dangers User behavior