Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: danger

Africa Freedom Prize: The FNF Africa Freedom Prize – “Then, now and beyond”

The Africa Freedom Prize was introduced in 2016 and it honours outstanding personalities who provide decisive impulses for the development of liberal civil society in African countries. Today, well known South African media personality Redi Tlhabi hosts the Africa Freedom Prize — “Then, Now and Beyond” feature that is looking back at the past recipients of the award. More importantly, we reflect on where the continent is today and more.
China’s expansion in southern Africa: democracies in danger

Politics: Another Round of Early Elections in Israel – How Will it Look?

While United States President Joe Biden was scheduled to meet PM Bennett in Jerusalem, Yair Lapid was already able to show diplomatic qualities on the world stage as new Prime Minister of Israel in his stead. If this government proved more stable, Lapid would have only become Prime Minister next year. Nevertheless, with the Israeli Knesset voting unanimously to disband on June 30, 2022, November 1, 2022, was set as the date for early elections and Lapid became PM.
one such party and is now officially out of the “danger

Africa Freedom Prize: Guinean opposition leader Cellou Dalein Diallo Honoured with Africa Freedom Prize

Cellou Dalein Diallo has dedicated his political life to the peaceful struggle against the autocratic rule and the mismanagement that have dominated Guinea for a long time. Organising the opposition’s voice against the multiple military take overs in Guinea, he has often been on the receiving end of the brutality of state supported violence under the different military juntas.
China’s expansion in southern Africa: democracies in danger