Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: danger

Chaetodipterus faber – Discover Fishes

Atlantic Spadefish Chaetodipterus faber This silver and black striped, disk-shaped fish schools in groups as large as 500. Although it’s the only of its family to live in the Western Atlantic, there are a few fish that look similar. The Atlantic spadefish can grow to almost 36 inches and 20
Danger to Humans There have been reported cases of

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Epinephelus morio – Discover Fishes

Red Grouper Epinephelus morio This stout, almond-shaped fish is a dark reddish brown on top, fading to a lighter pink underneath, with lighter spots and blotches across its body and darker margins to its fins. It has large, round eyes over a pointed snout, and a continuous spiny dorsal fin t
Danger to Humans There have been reported cases of

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Hippocampus erectus – Discover Fishes

Lined Seahorse Hippocampus erectus These specialized fish are poor swimmers and rely on their coloring and texture to camouflage themselves among coral, seagrass, or mangroves where they ambush much smaller prey by sucking them into their toothless snouts. They choose a mate for a season or
their body structure of bony plates, they have little danger

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Scomberomorus regalis – Discover Fishes

Cero Mackerel Scomberomorus regalis This solitary torpedo-shaped fish is streamlined and strong, with finlets running between the prominent second dorsal and anal fins, and the crescent caudal (tail) fin. It is a green-blue from above, and mostly silvery white except for brassy spots and str
Danger to Humans There have been reports of ciguatera

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Urobatis halleri – Discover Fishes

Round Stingray Urobatis halleri These smaller stingrays have an almost circular pectoral disc, with a slightly rounded point at the snout, and a short tail that lacks dorsal fins but does have a small caudal (tail) fin, which is unusual for rays. It also has a venomous spine halfway down its
Danger to Humans Beach near Point Conception, California

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Negaprion brevirostris – Discover Fishes

Lemon Shark Negaprion brevirostris The lemon shark is easily recognized for its two, equally-sized dorsal fins and its yellow-brown to olive color- an ideal camouflage against the sandy in-shore areas they prefer to forage in. Lemon sharks average between 8 to 10 feet long as adults, but are
Danger to Humans Lemon sharks represent little threat

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Dasyatis sabina – Discover Fishes

Atlantic Stingray Dasyatis sabina These smaller stingrays grow to around 12 to 14 inches wide, and are brown to yellowish-brown on tip, and whitish underneath. They are oval with long, pointed snouts, appearing almost spade-shaped. They have long venomous spines on their tails, but they are
Danger to Humans Stingrays do not attack people, however

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Researchers given glimpse into bull sharks’ movement – Research News

Indian River Lagoon, on Florida’s east coast, has historically served as habitat for an abundance of marine life. But human pressures have changed all that, and Florida Museum researchers now are working to understand the population dynamics of species that still inhabit the lagoon while searching f
and carefully, and sharks aren’t the only potential danger

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Mycteroperca microlepis – Discover Fishes

Gag Grouper Mycteroperca microlepis This oblong fish has small eyes over a pointed snout, and a continuous dorsal fin to a square caudal fin. Their colors vary by age and gender, but they range from gray to light brown with darker blotches or squiggles, giving it a faint marble pattern, or d
Danger to Humans There have been reported cases of

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Rachycentron canadum – Discover Fishes

Cobia Rachycentron canadum This torpedo-shaped fish has a long, pointed face and slightly depressed head that swoops back to a row of spines spaced out in front of its dorsal fin. With triangular, curved fins and crescent tail, as well as dark olive-brown on top and silver grey below colorin
Danger to Humans There are 7-9 dorsal spines, each

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