Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: danger

Shark Conservation References – Florida Program for Shark Research

Conservation-Oriented References on Sharks compiled by: George H. Burgess Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida Gainesville, FL 32611 Applegate, S.P., Soltelo-Macias, F. and Espinosa-Arrubarrena, L. 1993. An overview of Mexican shark fisheries, with suggestions for shark
TRAFFIC International, Species in Danger Series, Cambridge

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Gymnura micrura – Discover Fishes

Smooth Butterfly Ray Gymnura micrura This diamond-shaped ray is much wider than it is long, usually 3 to 4 feet wide, and its short tail lacks the ray’s usual spine. It can vary from light brown to gray to greenish, with lighter or darker spots, and can manipulate its shading to blend better
Danger to Humans This is a small ray that does not

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Support – Ornithology Collection

The Ornithology Department at the Florida Museum of Natural History is one of the world’s leading bird research units, with significant collections of birds, eggs, skeletons, skins, sound recordings, and publications. These collections are vital to our mission of training students and conducting re
needed now in order to preserve species that are in danger

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Threatened + Endangered Species – South Florida Aquatic Environments

Numerous threatened and endangered species reside in Florida’s rocky pinelands Numerous threatened and endangered species occur in the rocky pinelands of south Florida, including: silver thatch palm (Coccothrinax argentata) big pine partridge pea (Cassia keyensis) pride-of-big-pine (Stru
terms on page: endangered species: a species in danger

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Sciaenops ocellatus – Discover Fishes

Red Drum Sciaenops ocellatus This large, elongated near-shore fish is a dark copper to pale silver color, with a distinct eye spot at the tail. It is very tolerant of water temperature variations as well as salinity levels so it ranges in a wide variety of habitats from surf zones and seagra
Danger to Humans Red drums pose no danger to humans

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Urobatis jamaicensis – Discover Fishes

Yellow Stingray Urobatis jamaicensis These rays have a round pectoral disc and rounded pelvic fins, no dorsal fins on their short tail, and a venomous spine set back near their small caudal (tail) fin. They prefer sandy bottoms and shallow waters in the Gulf of Mexico and surrounding area of
Danger to Humans Tail spine of a yellow stingray.

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Threatened + Endangered Species – South Florida Aquatic Environments

Numerous threatened and endangered species reside in the estuarine and marine waters of the Everglades region. Threatened species of marine and estuarine habitats: piping plover (Charadrius melodus) [Not shown] Endangered species of marine and estuarine habitats: Glossary ter
endangered species: a species in danger of becoming

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