Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Tunnel

Air pollution renders flower odors unattractive to moths | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Researchers showed that tobacco hawkmoths lost attraction to the scent of their preferred flowers when that scent had been altered by ozone. This oxidizing pollutant thus disturbs the interaction between a plant and its pollinator, a relationship that has evolved over millions of years.
responses of the moths in behavioral assays in a wind tunnel

Peter Gruss | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

In discharging their office, all Presidents are guided by their field of expertise and the methods they employed as scientists. A defining characteristic of the microbiologist Peter Gruss is that he constantly seeks out new territory, often blazing unexplored trails but always prepared to retrace his steps or change direction if a path proves unfruitful. This is the hallmark of an experimenter for whom every experiment is an enriching experience – irrespective of the effort put into it and the outcome. Thus, as President of the Max Planck Society, Peter Gruss ventured forth in many directions.
achieved this through exhibitions such as the Science Tunnel

Borders in the time of COVID-19 | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

In her essay, Max Planck Director Ayelet Shachar describes how governments in western countries are increasingly attempting to control access to their territories far beyond the actual national borders and monitor the mobility of their own citizens. These efforts have been massively intensified with the spread of the corona pandemic. The legal expert warns that this must change as soon as the virus is defeated.
The smart tunnel identifies passengers through a combination

Borders in the time of COVID-19 | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

In her essay, Max Planck Director Ayelet Shachar describes how governments in western countries are increasingly attempting to control access to their territories far beyond the actual national borders and monitor the mobility of their own citizens. These efforts have been massively intensified with the spread of the corona pandemic. The legal expert warns that this must change as soon as the virus is defeated.
The smart tunnel identifies passengers through a combination

Grenzen in Zeiten von Covid-19 | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Max-Planck-Direktorin Ayelet Shachar beschreibt in ihrem Essay, wie Regierungen auch in westlichen Länder zunehmend versuchen, den Zutritt zu ihren Territorien weit außerhalb der eigentlichen Staatsgrenzen zu steuern und die Mobilität der eigenen Bürger zu überwachen. Diese Bestrebungen haben sich mit der Ausbreitung der Corona-Pandemie massiv verschärft. Das muss sich ändern, sobald das Virus besiegt ist, fordert die Rechtswissenschaftlerin.
biometrische Grenzen“ – bekannt als „intelligenter Tunnel