Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Professor

Krieg in Europa: „ANC-Mitglieder glauben, sie schulden Russland Loyalität“

Als die Vereinten Nationen mit großer Mehrheit für eine Resolution stimmten, die das Ende der russischen Offensive in der Ukraine forderte, enthielt sich Südafrika. Im Interview analysiert die Historikerin Irina Filatowa die Beziehungen Russlands zur südafrikanischen Regierungspartei ANC und erklärt, warum westliche Werte dort auf wenig Gegenliebe stoßen.
Frau Professor Dr.

Krieg in Europa: Ola Rondiak: „Heute gewinnt die Ukraine ihre Identität zurück“

Ola Rondiak, eine amerikanische Künstlerin ukrainischer Herkunft, ist im Exil geboren und aufgewachsen, beschloss aber in die unabhängige Ukraine zurückzukehren. Die Künstlerin sieht, wie die Ukrainer heute ihre Identität empfinden und wieder für sie kämpfen. Wie Ola den Ausbruch des Krieges überlebte, wo sie ihre Kräfte für den Kampf und für ihre Kunst zur Unterstützung der Armee schöpft, erzählte sie in einem Interview. Dieser Artikel wurde im Rahmen des speziellen Autorenprojektes „Die Unbeugsamen“ in Kooperation mit WoMo veröffentlicht.
Mein Großvater war ukrainischer Philologe, Professor

MENAPOL Blog: The Arab World: Between the Coronavirus Pandemic and the Plague of Populism

As the global coronavirus pandemic seems to have placed the world in the eye of a collective storm, with over 120,000 confirmed deaths, the global economy has entered a state of acute stagnation and contraction across diverse sectors, suggesting the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s.
Scientific Research and Humane Studies, University Professor

Event: Countering Authoritarian Influence in Southeast Asia

FNF Global Innovation Hub will hold the Countering Authoritarian Influence in Southeast Asia event in cooperation with Department of International Affairs, DPP on May 21, 2024, 7:00-9:00pm, at Wooman Power (No. 153-1, Section 1, Keelung Rd, Xinyi District, Taipei City. The entrance is the gate of Wan-shih Building). Please click here to register before May 19!
of East Asian Studies (GIEAS) as a distinguished professor

Covid-19 Pandemic: In Bangladesh, “Infodemic” is more Dangerous and Worrying than the Coronavirus Pandemic

The first three known cases of COVID-19 were reported in Bangladesh on 8 March 2020 by IEDCR. Referring to the spread of fake news around the coronavirus, the Director General of WHO used the term “Infodemic”. Thanks to the massive usage of Internet, smart phones and social media such as Facebook and WhatsApp, misinformation and fake news related to the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 is more viral than the virus itself.
Abdul Kabil Khan, Assistant Professor at University

Event: Countering Authoritarian Influence in Southeast Asia

FNF Global Innovation Hub will hold the Countering Authoritarian Influence in Southeast Asia event in cooperation with Department of International Affairs, DPP on May 21, 2024, 7:00-9:00pm, at Wooman Power (No. 153-1, Section 1, Keelung Rd, Xinyi District, Taipei City. The entrance is the gate of Wan-shih Building). Please click here to register before May 19!
of East Asian Studies (GIEAS) as a distinguished professor

Estado de Derecho: Digital Justice: A Road of No Return

Digital justice is a reality in much of Mexico and, with the integration of Artificial Intelligence, comes a new era for the delivery of justice in the country. Laurence Pantin (Mexico Evalúa and alumni of the Foundation) writes for Nexos about the future of digital justice after participating in the Washington D.C. reporting trip „Stopping Corruption: Ensuring Government Integrity and Transparency“.
Such is the case of Sean Hagan, professor at Georgetown

Greece: LGBTQ+ in Greece

Greece passed legislation recognizing same-sex unions and extending parental rights to LGBTQ+ people, marking a historic moment for LGBTQ+ rights in the country, as well as in Southeastern Europe. This progress represents a crucial step toward inclusivity and equality in a country where conservative values and orthodox Christianity have traditionally influenced public policy and social norms.
Hatzis is a Professor of Philosophy of Law and Theory