Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Professor

Diversity: Exploring diversity beyond labels

The Madrid office premieres the documentary in which expert voices and ordinary citizens share their ideas and impressions around the concept of diversity. Shot in Madrid and Barcelona in early 2023, the documentary aims to reflect different approaches to the complex, misunderstood and overused concept of diversity.
Professor in the Department of Social Anthropology

Veranstaltung: Veranstaltung: Parität per Gesetz?

Angesichts eines Frauenanteils von 30 Prozent der Mandate im Deutschen Bundestag erscheint vielen die Einführung eines Paritätsgesetzes vonnöten, nach dem nur noch Parteien zur Wahl zugelassen würden, die auf ihren Listen gleich viele Frauen wie Männer aufstellen. Doch wäre eine solche gesetzliche Maßnahme wirklich im Sinne eines liberalen Rechtsstaates?
Mannsperger Das Berliner Panel (von links nach rechts): Professor

Event: (5.7.2023) Continuity or Change? The Next Chapter of EU-Turkey Relations

2023 is a significant year for Turkey, marking the 100th anniversary of the Turkish Republic and recent elections. Despite economic challenges and geopolitical shifts, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has been re-elected, raising questions about Turkey’s foreign policy and its impact on EU-Turkey relations. Join us with our speakers Beate Apelt, Demir Murat Seyrek and moderator Sahra Lissek as we explore Turkey’s evolving political landscape, its regional relationships, and discuss the future of EU-Turkey ties.
of Office, FNF Turkey Demir Murat Seyrek, Adjunct Professor

#Reshaping Europe: FNF Hackathon Empowers Asian Youth

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom Southeast and East Asia (FNF) and the Asia Centre organized a Youth Hackathon on how to improve ASEAN-EU relations in Bangkok. 20 participants from the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan, South Korea, Myanmar and Vietnam pitched their ideas. The winner will travel to Berlin.
Suwannarat Meesomboonpoonsuk, Assistant Professor at

Our Activities: Lebanon’s Economic Crisis by Sector: Challenges and Opportunities in Manufacturing

“Lebanon’s Economic Crisis by Sector: Challenges and Opportunities in Manufacturing” – Policy Brief by Bacel Maddah, Lina Maddah, and Nadim Gharios supported by FNF Lebanon. Discover the the impact of the ongoing crisis in Lebanon on the manufacturing sector
Bacel Maddah is a professor and the inaugural chairperson