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Digital Empowerment: 데이터 거버넌스: 개념과 해외사례

프리드리히 나우만재단이 3월 23일 한국지역정보개발원과 공동으로 2023년 제1회 온라인 정기세미나를 개최했습니다. 세미나는 국내외 데이터 관리와 활용 사례를 공유함으로써 지자체와 유관기관의 디지털 역량을 높이고자 마련되었으며, 23년은 데이터 거버넌스를 주제로 펼쳐집니다.
NAM Taewoo, Professor, Sungkyunkwan University 23일

Veranstaltungsankündigung: Europa gestern und heute – welches Europa wollen wir?

Europa war die Antwort auf den 2. Weltkrieg. Die wirtschaftliche und politische Integration sollte die verheerenden Auseinandersetzungen zwischen den europäischen Nachbarstaaten beenden und nachhaltig Frieden in Europa schaffen. 75 Jahre nach der Bombardierung Dresdens fragen wir Timothy Garton Ash: Welches Europa wollen wir? Diskutieren Sie in Dresden mit einem der renommiertesten Historiker unserer Zeit.
Am Vorabend des Jahrestages des Bombardements gibt Professor

Vielfalt: Erforschung der Vielfalt jenseits von Etiketten

Das Madrider Büro stellt den Dokumentarfilm vor, in dem Experten und normale Bürger ihre Ideen und Eindrücke rund um das Konzept der Vielfalt teilen. Der Anfang 2023 in Madrid und Barcelona gedrehte Dokumentarfilm zielt darauf ab, verschiedene Ansätze zu dem komplexen, missverstandenen und überstrapazierten Konzept der Vielfalt zu reflektieren.
Professor in the Department of Social Anthropology

Event: (5.7.2023) Continuity or Change? The Next Chapter of EU-Turkey Relations

2023 is a significant year for Turkey, marking the 100th anniversary of the Turkish Republic and recent elections. Despite economic challenges and geopolitical shifts, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has been re-elected, raising questions about Turkey’s foreign policy and its impact on EU-Turkey relations. Join us with our speakers Beate Apelt, Demir Murat Seyrek and moderator Sahra Lissek as we explore Turkey’s evolving political landscape, its regional relationships, and discuss the future of EU-Turkey ties.
of Office, FNF Turkey Demir Murat Seyrek, Adjunct Professor

Digital Empowerment: 2023 Data Governance Seminar Series: 4th Seminar on ‚Public Data‘

On September 15, 2023, FNF Korea and KLID hosted the last seminar of 2023 Data Governance series, emphasizing public data’s role in local digital transformation. The event featured Dr. Yoon Sang-Pil’s insights, fostering dynamic discussions and reinforcing their commitment to continuous improvement in data governance.
submitted questions.The panel discussion was moderated by Professor

Diversity: Exploring diversity beyond labels

The Madrid office premieres the documentary in which expert voices and ordinary citizens share their ideas and impressions around the concept of diversity. Shot in Madrid and Barcelona in early 2023, the documentary aims to reflect different approaches to the complex, misunderstood and overused concept of diversity.
Professor in the Department of Social Anthropology