Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Professor

Energy turnaround: Morocco – climate champion with question marks

From a ban on plastic bags to the world’s largest solar power plant, Morocco likes to present itself as a pioneer in climate policy. Europeans are also pinning their hopes for green electricity from the desert on the kingdom. But Morocco’s image as a climate champion is increasingly being tarnished.
There, young university professors have rallied the

Innovation for Democracy: What is Open Source? Find Out by Playing Our “Open StarTer Village” Board Game!

In 2022, Open Culture Foundation and FNF Global Innovation Hub jointly developed the “Open StarTer Village” board game, to promote concepts of open source, open data, and open government to the general public and even in schools in a fun and educational approach. Such an idea resonates with Innovation for Democracy, one of the focuses of FNF Global Innovation Hub that aims to seek innovative ways and digital tools that everyone can adopt to foster democracy.
October 2, OCF and FNF tried the games together with professors


Die Besuchs- und Informationsprogramme bieten Politikern und Vertretern der Zivilgesellschaft aus verschiedenen Ländern ein Forum zum Austausch von Ideen und Erfahrungen in Deutschland und Europa. Aktuelle und zukünftige Entscheidungsträger aus den Projektregionen der Stiftung nehmen an einem einwöchigen Programm teil, in dem sie deutsche Regierungsmitglieder, Parteien, Verbände und Think Tanks kennenlernen.
Integration The delegation, consisting of researchers and professors

EU-Türkiye Relations: Türkiye Training Programme 2023: Anatolia Workshops Phase

In November, our partner European Neighbourhood Concil (ENC) in collaboration with FNF Türkiye, organized a series of workshops with the university students in the Southeast Türkiye with the aim of understanding EU key thematic priority areas like green energy and environment, foreign policy, polarization, independent institutions and free media and their relevance to EU-Türkiye relationcs.
also fostered collaboration between EU and Turkish professors


The visitor and information programmes offer politicians and civil society representatives from different countries a forum to exchange ideas and experiences in Germany and Europe. Current and future decision-makers from the foundation’s project regions take part in a one-week programme, where they become acquainted with German members of government, political parties, associations and think tanks.
Integration The delegation, consisting of researchers and professors