Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Mann

Ciconia maltha – Florida Vertebrate Fossils

Ciconia maltha Quick Facts Common Names: Asphalt stork or La Brea stork A relatively large species of Ciconia, with a height of over 4 feet (1.5 m) and a wingspan up to 9 feet (3 m) across. While many large mammals became extinct at the end of the Pleistocene in North America, Ciconia ma
likely that the asphalt stork lived in a similar manner

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Gymnothorax funebris – Discover Fishes

Green Moray Gymnothorax funebris One of the largest of the morays, the green moray is often found at 6 feet long but can reach 8 feet and 65 pounds. Although it is actually dark grey-brown, it is covered in a thick yellow mucus, giving it its green coloring and protecting it from parasites a
Green morays most often hunt in this manner at night

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Life on the Remote Frontier – St. Augustine: America’s Ancient City

Although St. Augustine was small, remote and poor, life in the town was governed by traditional Spanish municipal organization, with a mayor and city officials in addition to the military and crown-appointed government officials. The daily, weekly and monthly practices of the Catholic Church were a
Corn was prepared in the Mexican Indian manner, by

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Clarias batrachus – Discover Fishes

Walking Catfish Clarias batrachus This long, dark fish has lung-like organs and a high tolerance to harsh living conditions, and it can leave the water to walk/wiggle to a better location as long as it stays moist. Although it is native to Southeast Asia, it has successfully invaded other ar
flat and broad and the body tapers to the tail in a manner

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Herbaria & Herbarium Specimens – University of Florida Herbarium (FLAS)

What is a herbarium? A herbarium (Latin: hortus siccus) is a collection of plant samples preserved for long-term study, usually in the form of dried and pressed plants mounted on paper. The dried and mounted plant samples are generally referred to as herbarium specimens. Other materials in the herb
in most herbaria are organized in a very precise manner

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Epinephelus striatus – Discover Fishes

Nassau Grouper Epinephelus striatus These large, oblong fish can change both color and gender, and live at the rocky reef bottom of tropical Western Atlantic waters. They are usually a light buff to pink color with striking darker bars and spots, but can change to very light or very dark qui
grouper will open its mouth in a non-threatening manner

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New Arrivals – St. Augustine: America’s Ancient City

After the Spanish exodus St. Augustine was repopulated by British soldiers, planters and loyalists from the other English American colonies. The population of St. Augustine grew dramatically after the beginning of the American revolution, as British loyalists fled to Florida, which was one of the fe
In the manner of Turnbull’s New Smyrna venture, Browne

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Aetobatus narinari – Discover Fishes

Spotted Eagle Ray Aetobatus narinari These rays have a very wide diamond-shaped pectoral disc that can reach over 9 feet wide, and is a dramatic dark color scattered with light spots or rings. It can grow to over 8 feet long, and when including the incredibly long whip-like tail, it has been
Females have been observed to mate in this manner with

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