Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Kosovo

Covid-19: Serbian Media During COVID-19 Pandemic

– Find a link to the Serbian PDF download below – Journalism without Fear or Favour – this year’s theme of World Press Freedom Day 2020. The International Press Freedom Day is celebrated every year on 3 May to highlight violations of press freedom and the importance of free and independent reporting. As the Covid19 pandemic has also caused an infodemic or pandemic of misinformation, this year’s World Press Freedom Day is more important than ever.We have asked Nikola Tomić to answer some questions on how media and journalists are coping with the new challenge of reporting on Covid19 in Serbia. 
Kosovo & Serbia 05.10.2023 Markus Kaiser Playing

LGBTIQ: Serbien: Schwule und Lesben „vorübergehend“ zu unerwünschten Personen erklärt

Heute beginnt die Europride in Serbien. Zwar sind erneut in Belgrad Tausende Demonstranten gegen die Großveranstaltung auf die Straße gegangen und auch der serbische Präsident Aleksandar Vučić hatte zuvor die Absage der Pride-Veranstaltung angekündigt, doch der internationale Druck war zu groß. Im konservativen Weltbild des serbischen Präsidenten haben gleichgeschlechtliche Partnerschaften und alternative Lebensentwürfe keinen Platz.
EuroPride 2022 kurzerhand ab: Serbien habe mit dem Kosovo-Konflikt

LGBTIQ: Serbia: Gays and lesbians “temporarily” declared personae non-gratae

Europride begins today in Serbia. Although thousands of protesters have once again taken to the streets in Belgrade against the large-scale event and Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić had previously announced the cancellation of the Pride event, the international pressure was too great. In the conservative world view of the Serbian president, same-sex partnerships and alternative life plans have no place. LGBTIQ activist Stefan Šparavalo talks about equal rights and social participation in Europe.
President, Serbia had enough on its plate with the Kosovo

Political issue: Corona : The Western Balkans in the geostrategic power game

Like a catalyst, the Corona Crisis has favoured a „trend towards autocratization“. Russia and China are gaining more influence via the supply of vaccines to the West Balkans. A leaning of South-East European countries always more autocrat allies is beckoning increasingly likely, concludes Michael Roick doe the German Daily Mirror.
COVAX programme, some smaller EU candidates – such as Kosovo

Female Forward | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Gender equity is a core element of democracy. Yet many societies in the Western Balkans lack adequate political representation of women or their concerns. Despite decades of commitment, equal rights and opportunities for all genders still have to be fought for or defended. The Friedrich Naumann Foundation promotes equality for women in the countries of the region and provides them with concrete support in their demands for adequate participation in the political process.
News Kosovo 24.04.2024 Dr.

Publication: Analysis: Economic Report for BiH for 2nd half of 2022

FNF’s biannual economic report for 2022 shows that Bosnia and Herzegovina’s economy faced several challenges and problems that reflect the difficulties of the year. Despite its relatively high growth of four per cent, the country saw significant inflation and price increases, which made domestic economic opportunities more difficult. While the country experienced growth in exports, it also experienced unsatisfactory growth in the number of employees, especially in the entity of the Federation (FBiH).
Kosovo 24.04.2024 Dr.

Education: Economic concepts in children’s and young adult literature

Books for children and young adults have a decisive influence on cognitive development and shape their view of the world. This study examines the extent to which economic facts appear in these books. It concludes that there is a wide range of approaches. They include clichés and stereotypes but also balanced and pedagogically valuable treatments of economic topics.
Kosovo 24.04.2024 Dr.

Publication: A new model for the globalization of the world of employment

Two opposing trends characterize the global world of employment. In the global South, the supply of labor is increasing, while the global North is confronted with a decline in the working population and a shortage of qualified workers. Both developments have demographic causes. Many countries in the global South continue to have high birth rates.
Kosovo 24.04.2024 Dr.