Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Kosovo

LGBTIQ+-: EuroPride 2022 – the complicated birth of the first EuroPride in South Eastern Europe

Belgrade hosted EuroPride this weekend, an international event dedicated to the rights of the LGBTIQ+ community. Despite strong opposition from the ultra-right, but also from the Serbian Orthodox Church and parts of the government, the final rally took place in the centre of the Serbian capital on Saturday.
Kosovo & Serbia 05.10.2023 Markus Kaiser Playing

WESTERN BALKANS: When an experienced journalist selflessly shares his knowledge

Would you like to work for a well-known German news agency? Would you like to know what an editor there expects from a journalist? The textbook Quality Journalism in Southeast Europe by the long-time head of the DPA office in Belgrade, Thomas Brey, in some ways opens the doors of this agency to both journalism students and more experienced journalists.
Kosovo & Serbia 05.10.2023 Markus Kaiser Playing

LGBTIQ: Serbia: Gays and lesbians “temporarily” declared personae non-gratae

Europride begins today in Serbia. Although thousands of protesters have once again taken to the streets in Belgrade against the large-scale event and Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić had previously announced the cancellation of the Pride event, the international pressure was too great. In the conservative world view of the Serbian president, same-sex partnerships and alternative life plans have no place. LGBTIQ activist Stefan Šparavalo talks about equal rights and social participation in Europe.
President, Serbia had enough on its plate with the Kosovo

Political issue: Corona : The Western Balkans in the geostrategic power game

Like a catalyst, the Corona Crisis has favoured a „trend towards autocratization“. Russia and China are gaining more influence via the supply of vaccines to the West Balkans. A leaning of South-East European countries always more autocrat allies is beckoning increasingly likely, concludes Michael Roick doe the German Daily Mirror.
COVAX programme, some smaller EU candidates – such as Kosovo

Covid-19: Serbian Media During COVID-19 Pandemic

– Find a link to the Serbian PDF download below – Journalism without Fear or Favour – this year’s theme of World Press Freedom Day 2020. The International Press Freedom Day is celebrated every year on 3 May to highlight violations of press freedom and the importance of free and independent reporting. As the Covid19 pandemic has also caused an infodemic or pandemic of misinformation, this year’s World Press Freedom Day is more important than ever.We have asked Nikola Tomić to answer some questions on how media and journalists are coping with the new challenge of reporting on Covid19 in Serbia. 
Kosovo & Serbia 05.10.2023 Markus Kaiser Playing

Climate Change & Smart Cities | Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung

Intelligente Lösungsansätze helfen Bürger, ihr Leben einfacher, produktiver und nachhaltiger zu gestalten. In der Pandemie diese von lebenswichtiger Bedeutung, z.B. beim das digitale Lernen, Homeoffice, oder der e-Handel.    Unsere Projektregion widmet sich seit 2013 den Themrn Innovationsförderun, Klimawandel und Smart Cities intensiv. In 2014 gründeten wir, gemeinsam mit einer Vielzahl an Partnern, die Smart City Education Initiative (SCEI). Der grenzübergreifende Verbund setzt sich aus Stakeholdern aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Zivilgesellschaft zusammen. So bietet SCEI u.a. Kommunen und anderen Stakeholdern wichtige Bildungsveranstaltungen, Netzwerkmöglichkeiten und Matchmaking an.   Das jährliche Smart City Festival gehört zu einen unserer Highlights. Das internationale SCF findet seit 2017 jährlich statt und gehört zu jedes Jahr zu den Highlights der Smart City Community in der Region.
Publikation 15.08.2023 Smarte Städte und Gemeinden in Kosovo

Publication: Analysis: Economic Report for BiH for 2nd half of 2022

FNF’s biannual economic report for 2022 shows that Bosnia and Herzegovina’s economy faced several challenges and problems that reflect the difficulties of the year. Despite its relatively high growth of four per cent, the country saw significant inflation and price increases, which made domestic economic opportunities more difficult. While the country experienced growth in exports, it also experienced unsatisfactory growth in the number of employees, especially in the entity of the Federation (FBiH).
Kosovo 24.04.2024 Dr.