Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Indianer

Expansion of Missions and Ranches – St. Augustine: America’s Ancient City

By the middle of the seventeenth century, the Franciscan mission effort had expanded northward to the Carolinas, and westward to present day Tallahassee. It is estimated that there were seventy Franciscan missionaries in some forty Spanish doctrinas in Florida, ministering to about 25,000 Apalachee,
seventeenth century, as ranches and enterprising Indian

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Growth & Diversity – St. Augustine: America’s Ancient City

At the middle of the seventeenth century, St. Augustine’s population was only between about 500 and 600 people. By the end of that century, it had risen to more than 1,400, and by the time the Spaniards evacuated St. Augustine in 1763 there were more than 3,000 residents. This steady growth came ab
The Indian population of the St.

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Timeline – Historical Archaeology

1565 August 28 – Sighted land of Florida on St. Augustine’s feast day September 7 – Captains Morales and Patiño disembark with 30 men to dig an entrenchment to protect people and supplies while the site of the fort is more carefully chosen September 8 – Menéndez formally claims Florida, u
November – Menéndez establishes a garrison near the Indian

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Life on the Remote Frontier – St. Augustine: America’s Ancient City

Although St. Augustine was small, remote and poor, life in the town was governed by traditional Spanish municipal organization, with a mayor and city officials in addition to the military and crown-appointed government officials. The daily, weekly and monthly practices of the Catholic Church were a
A great many Spanish soldiers married Indian women,

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Life and Death in the 1600s – St. Augustine: America’s Ancient City

The reduced level of external crown support, and the increasing diversion of resources and activity to the hinterland farms and missions had a negative economic impact on the residents of seventeenth century St. Augustine. Food, clothing and Spanish material goods were increasingly scarce, and resi
were able to more freely combine Spanish, American Indian

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