Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Europische_Union

Sustainable Agricultural Intensification Pathways in Europe

Sustainable Intensification of agriculture (SI) is advocated by both, scientists and policy makers, as a solution for the dilemma between the need to increase agricultural production and the need to reduce the environmental burden which intensification historically entailed.
Sustainable Agricultural Intensification Pathways in Europe

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  • International
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CLISP: Anpassung an den Klimawandel durch Raumplanung im Alpenraum

Die Klimaänderung und die damit verbundenen Auswirkungen beeinflussen die Landnutzung und ihre Entwicklung stark. Welches Potential hat die Raumplanung in diesem Bereich? Wie können wir uns besser an Gefahren anpassen, die als Folge des Klimawandels auftreten?
Adapting to Climate Events (Interreg IIIB North West Europe

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Machine learning aided forecasting of subseasonal drought indicators in the European alps

This research aims to explore the predictability of drought at a monthly time horizon in the form of low flow in Switzerland and the European Alps by using machine learning techniques and linking large scale weather patterns with local hydrological events.
indicated an increasing risk of drought in central Europe

  • Wissen
  • International
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