Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Europ������ische Union

Meintest du europa ische union?

African Perceptions of the European Union and China

In den vergangenen fünfzehn Jahren hat sich China als bedeutender Partner und Investor in Afrika positioniert. Bei Infrastrukturprojekten und dem Handel mit Rohstoffen hat China Europa als wichtigsten Partner auf dem Kontinent verdrängt. Dieser neue Wettbewerb stellt die europäische Handels-, Investitions- und Entwicklungspolitik in Afrika auf den Prüfstand.
Europäische Union Regionalbüro EN DE Bukarest

: Georgia: Next Steps on the Road to the European Union

„Georgia’s EU aspirations face challenges as it falls behind Ukraine and Moldova. In a panel discussion, German and European representatives, along with Georgian leaders, addressed the country’s path towards EU integration and the necessary steps for successful collaboration between Georgia and the EU.“
European Union Regional Office EN DE Bucharest

aggression help to (re-)unify a disintegrating European Union

The Russian invasion reveals cracks in EU’s political unity as well as constitutional shortcomings, especially in the area of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP). In particular, the decision-making on sanctions against Russia showed once again that rapid, coordinated action by all Member States is difficult to achieve in the current CFSP-system.
European Union Regional Office EN DE Bucharest