Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Delhi

from Marie Seton to Ronald Moody, Addressed from New Delhi

This letter mainly relates to Menon and the appalling situation facing him in Bombay which Seton describes as ‚bear baiting‘. She writes of the enmity surrounding him, including that of Indira Ghandi’s aunt, and Nehru’s own frustration with Menon. She describes Menon’s intellectual arrogance and his unsuitability for the post he was given (Minister of Defence). She tells Moody that Nehru is in a very difficult position regarding Menon and how to deal with him. There is also a reference to getting money from the bank for Indira.
from Marie Seton to Ronald Moody, Addressed from New Delhi

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from Marie Seton to Helene Moody, addressed from New Delhi

In this letter, Marie Seton talks about fabric for a divan cover and mentions a possible return to London. She informs the Moodys that she has given their names to the Nandas who will be visiting London and tells them that Satyajit Ray will also be travelling to London. Seton describes the situation with Menon following Nehru’s death, including attacks on him, and writes about meeting Menon at Madras airport when he was due to join the Cabinet. She analyses Menon, his mistakes, her relationship with him, and the effect of Nehru’s death on Menon. She segues into a discussion …
from Marie Seton to Helene Moody, addressed from New Delhi

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from Marie Seton to Ronald Moody, addressed from New Delhi

In this letter Marie Seton writes about Indira Gandhi’s trip to East Africa and her contact with Jomo Kenyatta through Seton’s links with Paul Robeson. Seton informs Moody that his ‚Three Heads‘ is still in the main room of the Prime Minister’s house after redecoration. She tells Moody about her relationship with the Nehru household and her efforts to keep everyone positive. She also describes Menon’s problems, suggesting he is near to mental collapse, and discusses Nehru’s problems with various factions. There is some discussion of her relationship with Menon. Seton provides an account of a meeting with a Russian …
from Marie Seton to Ronald Moody, addressed from New Delhi

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from Marie Seton to Ronald Moody, addressed from New Delhi

This letter regards Indira Gandhi’s attempts to contact James Cameron and asking Moody to arrange a meeting between them. Marie Seton writes of a rapprochement between Nehru’s sister and herself and mentions this sister’s loyalty to Paul and Essie (Paul Robeson and his wife Essie). Seton describes family in-fighting and her fears that this sister is putting pressure on Nehru regarding Menon whom she hates. Seton writes about Menon’s relationship with Nehru and Dr Allchin’s advice that Menon have psychiatric treatment. She tells Ronald that she has had a word with the detective guarding Nehru to keep an eye on …
from Marie Seton to Ronald Moody, addressed from New Delhi

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from Marie Seton to Helene Moody, addressed from New Delhi

Marie Seton opens this letter by writing about fabric. She goes on to discuss the crisis in India and Nehru’s handling of it and the opposition Nehru is experiencing. She refers to her unorthodox cousin/godmother and her connection with the Nehru family. Seton also writes about Menon’s opposition to Nehru and an awkward encounter with Menon and subsequent phone call to him. This is followed by a lengthy discourse on Menon, his behaviour and what Seton views as his Messiah complex. The letter concludes with a brief reference to Moody’s ‚Savacou‘ and the phoenix-like quality of India.
from Marie Seton to Helene Moody, addressed from New Delhi

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Seton to Ronald and Helene Moody, addressed from New Delhi

In this letter Marie Seton gives her impressions of the governmental set-up and amount of red tape in India. She describes her reaction to Nehru and makes some generalisations about India. Seton tells Moody about her changed views on Indian art, her reflections on the Taj Mahal and Sanchi, and her constant exposure to the decorative aspects of applied arts.
Seton to Ronald and Helene Moody, addressed from New Delhi

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from Marie Seton to Ronald Moody, addressed from New Delhi

This letter relates to several different topics. Marie Seton starts the letter with a reference to fabric patterns (sent separately) for selection by Ronald and Helene. She goes on to write about Menon’s jealously of her relationship with Nehru and Indira Gandhi, assumptions that Indira will succeed her father, Indira’s stress, and her [Indira’s] forthcoming tour of Africa. Seton refers to the welcome back she received from the Nehru family and their efforts to find her a room for the duration of her stay. She tells Moody about a gift of French cheese for Nehru which she brought back from …
from Marie Seton to Ronald Moody, addressed from New Delhi

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Seton to Ronald and Helene Moody, addressed from New Delhi

In this letter Marie Seton writes about Paul Robeson’s return to London from East Berlin, his decision to retire, and his return to New York. She also shares her thoughts on Robeson’s relationship with his wife, Essie. Seton goes on to discuss Nehru and the approach he has taken with his difficulties and the different psychological directions taken by Nehru, Paul (Robeson) and Menon.
Seton to Ronald and Helene Moody, addressed from New Delhi

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