Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Argentinien

Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación – Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP) – english information

The Faculty for Humanities and Educational Sciences (FaHCE) of the National University of La Plata (UNLP) has an Institute for Research in Education (Instituto de Investigaciones Educativas – IIE) which provides a list of projects and a small list of publications. The faculty also has an Area for Studies and Research on Physical Education (Área de Estudios e Investigaciones en Educación Física – AEIEF). FaHCE publishes three journals, all of whom provide Open Access fulltexts of their articles: 1) Archivos de Ciencias de la Educación; 2) Clio & asociados; 3) Educación Física y Ciencia. The online catalogue of FaHCE moreover provides a list of all other publications in the area of education at FaHCE. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

National Agency for the Promotion of Science and Technology – english information

The National Agency for the Promotion of Science and Technology is an organ of the ministry for science, technology and productive innovation. Through its 4 funds – fund for scientifical research (FONCyT), technological fund Argentina (FONTAR), trust fund of the promotion of software industry (FONSOFT) and Argentinian sectorial fond (FONARSEC), the Agency fosters the financement of projects which aim at an improvemnt of the social, economical und cultures conditions of Argentina. – english information is a web site which offers the following educational information: a.) A wide range of links to sites which offer encyclopedic contents which deal with educational fields. There are links for teachers of children from 1 to 11 years as well as from 12 to 17 years. Students may also find convenient information. b.) A listing of educational institutions: Kindergartens, colleges, universities and tertiary institutions, institutions of special education, language centres, art colleges etc. Currently (Stand: September 2011) there are only institutions of the vicinities of Buenos Aires. c.) A list of providers of educational products and services.

Institute for Investigations of Educational Science – english information

The objective of the Institute for Investigations of Educational Science (IICE) is the producation of knowledge based on the analysis and the systematic investigation of the present problems in the field of education. In this sense, the goal is also to transform the difficulties, the deficiencies and the failures, which are identified by the production of knowledge, the functioning of institutions, the relations between educational organisations and the public, the elaboration of curricula etc. in scientific questions which can thus be analyzed. Furthermore, it is a fundamental concern to transmit the achieved results to the academic university sector to enrich the studies resp. the postgraduate studies. Also, the results allow competent reflections about the education system per se and education politics in general.

University Information System – english information

The task of the university information system (SIU) is to contribute to the improvement of the institution management by providing it with secure, valid and available information, by optimizing resources and by taking care that the software is used to its full extent. The products of SIU evolve in various fields: Efficiency, new services, technological innovation, integration in other systems and congruence with the policies definded by the Secretaría de Políticas Universitarias.

Facultad de Psicología – Universidad de Buenos Aires – english information

The Faculty for Psychology at the University of Buenos Aires has a focus on „Pedagogical Psychology and Vocational Orientation“, among others. You can find information on past and current research in this area in the annual reports (anuarios) of the faculty starting from report XII (former reports list the research projects without area classification). The Faculty also publishes the journal „Revista De Investigaciones En Psicología“ which also contains English abstracts but no fulltexts. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Red Universitaria de Educación Infantil (REDUEI) – english information

The University Network for Early Education REDUEI was officially founded in 1999. The idea for this network already arose in 1988 on the occasion of the first national university congress of academics in basic education. The website provides information on publications and research in early education in Argentina, on degree programmes, on conferences and more. Furthermore, REDUEI has started publishing a journal in 2013 that is freely accessible online. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]