Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: very

Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie

Instrumentenbau) sind u. a. zu nennen: ESO Very Large Telescope (VLT/VLTI, Chile), Large Binocular Telescope

Rede: International IP Enforcement Summit Berlin 2017 | Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband

Klaus Müller, Vorstand des Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverbands (vzbv), am 22. Juni 2017
Thank you very much for the kind invitation.

Verbraucherschutz kommt bei großen Online-Plattformen weiter zu kurz | Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband

vzbv-Untersuchung: Nachbesserungsbedarf bei Kontaktstellen und Transparenz von Empfehlungssystemen
Die ausgewählten Anbieter gehören der Gruppe der „very large online platforms“ (VLOP) bzw.

100 Tage Digital Services Act: Verbraucherschutz auf Online-Plattformen weiter mangelhaft | Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband

vzbv: Untersuchte große Online-Plattformen setzen Regelungen für mehr Verbraucherschutz nicht ausreichend um
Die ausgewählten Anbieter gehören der Gruppe der „very large online platforms“ (VLOP) bzw.

Rede: Consumer Summit 2017 | Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband

Klaus Müller, Vorstand des Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverbands (vzbv), am 15.03.2017
CI is our partner in this project, of course not only in this project – but here our cooperation was very

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Details – Münchner Stadtbibliothek

Welcome to our community for women (also trans and non-binary). Our club offers a new take on book discussions. Tired of typical book clubs that rarely choose the books you love? You're not alone — so we started this club. No mandatory reading lists her
As we’re a very international club, our main language is English.

Details - Münchner Stadtbibliothek

Welcome to our community for women (also trans and non-binary). Our club offers a new take on book discussions. Tired of typical book clubs that rarely choose the books you love? You're not alone — so we started this club. No mandatory reading lists her
As we’re a very international club, our main language is English.

Details - Münchner Stadtbibliothek

Welcome to our community for women (also trans and non-binary). Our club offers a new take on book discussions. Tired of typical book clubs that rarely choose the books you love? You're not alone — so we started this club. No mandatory reading lists her
As we’re a very international club, our main language is English.

Details - Münchner Stadtbibliothek

Welcome to our community for women (also trans and non-binary). Our club offers a new take on book discussions. Tired of typical book clubs that rarely choose the books you love? You're not alone — so we started this club. No mandatory reading lists her
As we’re a very international club, our main language is English.

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