Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: parliament

SME in Nepal: The critical role of SMEs in Nepal’s economic development

The contribution of SMEs to Nepal’s economy is substantial. SMEs contribute 22% to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) besides generating employment for 1.8 million people, especially women, making them invaluable to their empowerment; they also add to an inclusive and broad-based economy.
rural areas victimize people, and, as a result, the parliament

Buenos Aires | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

We are the office of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. We work to promote liberal values in our societies. Since 1983, with the return of democracy in Argentina, our Buenos Aires-based office has been actively collaborating with civil society institutions dedicated to strengthening democracy, the rule of law, economic freedom, human rights and international cooperation. We invite you to follow the work of the foundation, thank you very much!
trade agreement with Mercosur after the European Parliament

Green Tape: EU trade policy

The EU has increased its ambitions in the fight against climate change and in favour of sustainability. But while it is realigning its trade policy, high walls are being built for non-EU countries. The latest measures, including the import ban on products from forced labour, are evidence of a change that raises questions as well as praise. A study by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation takes a critical look at this development.
this, it is no surprise that this week the European Parliament

MENA: Migration and More: EURO-MENA-SHOW Kick-off for Digital Mediterranean Cooperation in Pandemic Times

The FNF Regional Office for the MENA Region, the FNF Mediterranean Dialogue Project in Madrid and its partner Casa Árabe, the official Spanish institute for relations with the Arab world, organised the EURO-MENA SHOW on 15 July. In addition to solutions to current challenges such as migration, security and tourism, the event focused on connecting elements that underline the common history as well as the inextricably linked present of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East.
President of the Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament

IAF: 26 female government leaders are not enough

The World Economic Forum estimates that it will take another 145 years for men and women to participate actively in politics to the same extent worldwide. But the IAF programmes have shown that women can contribute to improving the situation by acquiring necessary skills such as political communication and consciously building networks. Female role models are also encouraging.
Stark-Watzinger, several members of the European Parliament

Erdbeben-Hilfe : Diplomatisches Tauwetter zwischen der Türkei und Armenien?

Erneut haben vorgestern zwei Erdbeben die türkisch-syrische Grenzregion erschüttert, bei denen in der Türkei erneut Menschen ums Leben kamen. Um die bessere Versorgung der Überlebenden zu gewährleisten, öffneten die Türkei trotz einer tiefen Feindschaft zum Nachbarland Armenien einen Grenzübergang. Armenien war eines der ersten Länder, das Rettungsteams sowohl in die Türkei als auch nach Syrien schickte. Kann eine Annäherung trotz der seit fast einem Jahrhundert andauernden Streitigkeiten gelingen?
Grigoryan Armenia’s route to EU A recent European Parliament

Women in Politics: Empowering Female Legislative Candidates in Politics

Welcoming the upcoming 2024 elections and the beginning of the political campaigning era throughout the country, what are the best campaign strategies and tools to run a successful campaign? That was the topic for the latest FNF and Legepe event in Semarang. Read here to learn the tips and tricks from professional political campaigners!
system designed to boost women’s presence in the parliament

Migration Policy Group: Libanon: Von einem Aufnahmeland zu einem Abfahrtshafen?

In der vergangenen Woche haben wir mit Unterstützung des FNF-Büros für Libanon und Syrien ein Besuchsprogramm zum Thema Migration veranstaltet. Die FNF Madrid Policy Group, die sich aus liberalen politischen Entscheidungsträgern und Experten aus ganz Europa, Nord- und Westafrika und dem Nahen Osten zusammensetzt, hatte die Gelegenheit, die Realität der Migrationssteuerung im Libanon aus erster Hand kennenzulernen.
Moawad, a member of the Renewal Bloc in the Lebanese Parliament

MENAPOL Blog: Wahlen in Marokko: Mit der Mathmatik gegen den politischen Islam

Die Aufstände in der arabischen Welt haben in Marokko nicht zu radikalen Veränderungen geführt, wie dies in Tunesien, Ägypten und Libyen der Fall war. Das Regime blieb intakt und die herrschende Elite konnte ihre Macht bewahren. Für die gemäßigten marokkanischen Islamisten (Parti de la Jeu-nesse et du Développement) war es jedoch ein sehr wichtiges Jahr, da sie zum ersten Mal in ihrer Geschichte Wahlen gewannen und die begehrte Parlamentsmehrheit erlangten.
beautiful aerial panoramic sunset view of the Moroccan Parliament