Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Jakarta

Serbia: Uncovering the relevance & importance of media

The study „Media Audit 2023: Relevance and Importance of the Media in Serbia“ (in German), which was conducted by the Serbian media monitoring organization CRTA and co-supported by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, sheds light on the media landscape in Serbia, the media consumption of its population and the trust of Serbian society in the media.
VI South Asia Regional Office EN DE Jakarta

Bürgerrechte: „Freiheitsbeschränkungen müssen einen engen lokalen Bezug haben“

Das OVG Münster hat die Verlängerung des Lockdowns im Kreis Gütersloh, den die NRW-Landesregierung aufgrund des großen Corona-Ausbruchs beim Fleischwarenhersteller Tönnies verfügte, für unverhältnismäßig erklärt. Die Entscheidung des Oberverwaltungsgerichts Gütersloh ist eine wichtige Weichenstellung für die künftige Corona-Politik. Freiheitsbeschränkungen müssen einen engen lokalen Bezug haben, kommentiert Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger.
DE VI Südasien Regionalbüro EN DE Jakarta

Podcast: Two Ambassadors – One Topic | Episode 1

„Two Ambassadors – One Topic“ is our new discussion format where former Serbian Ambassador to Indonesia, Jovan Jovanovic, discusses current issues with acting ambassadors of European and non-European states. Our first episode starts with the German Ambassador to Serbia, Thomas Schieb. It covers the relations between the two countries, the new government in Germany, as well as the assessment of Serbia’s further development.
VI South Asia Regional Office EN DE Jakarta

#Restart21 | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Everyone should have the possibility to shape their own life according to their own ideas. After the shock of the Corona pandemic, the liberal restart is based on this conviction.  Under the #Restart21 campaign banner is Wonder Women, an online conversation series that highlights women’s achievements in different fields. The program puts premium on physical and mental well-being that are crucial given persistent challenges, including the pandemic. These Wonder Women share their story of overcoming obstacles, including coping with the pandemic, and of ensuring that their personal well-being is never compromised, allowing them to continuously better themselves and their communities. #Restart21 also has theme song that speaks of optimism, solidarity, and courage to break new grounds.
VI South Asia Regional Office EN DE Jakarta

#FNF Alumni | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

FNF is an advocate for freedom and liberalism. In doing so, it builds on the support of all freedom-loving and liberal-minded friends from all over the world. FNF values each individual, and in turn builds on the support of its alumni in spreading our common values. The aim is to foster a network of alumni from our regional programmes, promote exchanges within the network, as well as give alumni members the opportunity to host educational events. Together we can build a community of liberal-minded experts to spread liberal values, create dialogue, and generate innovations solutions for the future.
VI South Asia Regional Office EN DE Jakarta

Hiệp định EVFTA: [Ấn phẩm] Hiệp định thương mại tự do

Ẩn phẩm được xuất bản năm 2022, phân tích những nét tiêu biểu của Hiệp định Thương mại Tự do “thế hệ mới” được cụ thể hóa trong EVFTA. Tài liệu xác định những cơ hội chưa từng có mà các cam kết này hứa hẹn mang lại cho Việt Nam cũng như đánh giá những chi phí phải trả cho tương lai đầy hứa hẹn,. Từ đó thấy rõ những tác động tiềm tàng từ EVFTA là không thể thiếu để Việt Nam tiến lên trong một thế giới đầy biến động.
VI South Asia Regional Office EN DE Jakarta

Digital Transformation | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

We live in a digital era where enterprises and authorities see the need to adopt digital technology to foster their work and adapt to new realities; digital transformation has changed the interaction between the public and private sectors while providing new channels for policymaking. We see digital transformation as an important trend. As the Global Innovation Hub of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, we aim to leverage our work to foster democracy through digital innovations, inclusive decision-making processes, a better understanding of technology, and the delivery of liberal values. Along with these initiatives, we also recognize that digital transformation might bring challenges to democracy. For example, how disinformation campaigns grow to a larger scale and with broader impact, and how privacy and other rights are at stake with the help of digital technologies. As part of our project work, we also propose policy papers on current issues, which always include policy recommendations for decision-makers.
VI South Asia Regional Office EN DE Jakarta