PD Dr. Constanze Buhrmann https://www.uni-augsburg.de/de/fakultaet/med/profs/anatomie/koch-team/buhrmann/
Three-dimensional, high-density and tissue engineered culture models of articular
Three-dimensional, high-density and tissue engineered culture models of articular
Juli 2023 Vortrag zum Thema „Enforcement Models for the Implementation of Sustainability
2008 Central limit theorems for statistics of Poisson-based and mixing random set models
Schneider (2018): Development of land-use regression models for air temperature and
Pattern handler: integrating real world and virtual models of human systems patterns
automated annotation of infant-caregiver engagement phases with multimodal foundation models
Informationen sowie das Veranstaltungsprogramm erhalten Sie über den Link: Enforcement Models
Likewise, the volume will present new ways in which classic pragmatic models can
Alberto works on stochastic models of opinion dynamics. Welcome Alberto!
citizens and how such images tie in with, counter, or modify long-standing normative models