Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Nation

Archaeological Gear | American Museum of Natural History

Wired Magazine visited St. Catherines Island, GA to talk with Ginessa Mahar, the North American Archaeology lab supervisor at the American Museum of Natural History, about the ongoing excavations on the island. The purpose of the visit was to feature the various types of equipment being used by archaeologists today.
Las Huacas Outreach Video Tohono O’odham Nation

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Excavations of Xoxocotlán, Oaxaca, Mexico | AMNH

Marshall Saville, the first Curator of Mexican and Central American Archaeology at the AMNH (1894-1907), used the relatively new technology of the camera to great effect in documenting his excavations. A brief report of the Xoxocotln excavations is available in American Anthropologist (1899, vol. 1, pages 350-362).
Las Huacas Outreach Video Tohono O’odham Nation

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Meso-American Archaeology | AMNH

Dr. Charles Spencer is Curator of Mexican and Central American Archaeology. His ongoing research focuses on the development of pre-Columbian complex societies in Mexico and Venezuela. He is also interested in addressing general issues in ecological anthropology and cultural evolution.
Las Huacas Outreach Video Tohono O’odham Nation

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