Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Steppe

Ancient DNA reveals origins of the Minoans and Mycenaeans | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

The Minoan Civilization and its counterpart on the Greek Mainland, the Mycenaean Civilization, were Europe’s first literate societies and the cultural ancestors of later Classical Greece. However, the question of the origins of the Minoans and their relationship to the Mycenaeans has long puzzled researchers. A study suggests that the Minoans had deep roots in the Aegean. The primary ancestors of both the Minoans and Mycenaeans were populations from Neolithic Western Anatolia and Greece and the two groups were very closely related to each other, and to modern Greeks.
that this eastern ancestry was brought to Europe by steppe

Alte Genome beleuchten Vorgeschichte Südosteuropas | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Eine der bisher größten Archäogenetik-Studien gibt Einblick in die Interaktion von einheimischen Jägern und Sammlern mit frühen Bauern in der Vorgeschichte des Balkans: Danach vermischten sich die beiden Gruppen an den meisten Orten mehrere hundert Jahre lang nicht; an manchen Ort aber auch sehr schnell.
Warna – frühester Nachweis von Genen aus der Steppe

Ancient DNA study reveals the prehistory of Southeastern Europe | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

In an ancient DNA study published this week in the journal Nature, scientists and archaeologists from over 80 different institutions lift the veil on the genomic history of Southeastern Europe, a region from which very little ancient genetic data has been available until now. This is the second-largest ancient DNA study ever reported.
Bulgaria who had ancestry from the eastern European steppe