Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Hanse

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Study on EU financing of REDD+ related activities, and results-based payments pre and post 2020 |

This study provides an assessment of major public, institutional and private flows of direct and indirect REDD+ finance to 41 recipient countries, as well as their capacity to implement REDD+. It aims to support decisions that can promote the implementation of REDD+ at scale. The assessment is based on a three-dimensional technical benchmark system and an Internationally Supported Emissions Reduction (ISER) index, representing the potential emission reductions from a country that is likely to receive financial support from donors and investors. The study finds that donors are not necessarily allocating REDD+ funding to countries with the highest potential to realise emission reductions. Furthermore, there is a clear potential to support building systems for Measurement-Reporting-Verification and Forest Governance, especially in African REDD+ countries. With regards to private REDD+ finance, there is little quantitative information available. Flows of private money into the soft commodity production and value chains in REDD+ recipient countries, however, appear to be three orders of magnitude larger than total public REDD+ support in the period 2008- 2015. Therefore, there is a potential to link REDD+ finance to investments in sustainable commodity chains in REDD+ countries.
Hansen S. P. Andersen I. Georgiev S.

Berliner Energietage |

Auch ExpertInnen des Öko-Instituts laden zur Fachdiskussion „Energieeffizienz in Deutschland“ lautet das Motto der diesjährigen Berliner Energietage von Montag, 4. bis Mittwoch, 6. Mai, an denen das Öko-Institut wieder mit zwei Veranstaltungen beteiligt ist. Im Workshop „Emissionshandel für Treibhausgase“ stellten die WissenschaftlerInnen gemeinsam mit weiteren ReferentInnen heute aktuelle Entwicklungen des Treibhausgas-Emissionssystems vor. Sie gingen dabei insbesondere auf die Vielzahl von Ausgestaltungsaspekten bei der Einbettung des EU-Emissionshandelssystems in das internationale Klimaschutzregime ein. Darüber hinaus wurden auch die Entwicklungen von Emissionshandelssystemen in anderen OECD Staaten vorgestellt und diskutiert. Im Workshop „Infrastruktur der Energiewende“ stand die Frage im Fokus, welche Infrastrukturen notwendigerweise entwickelt werden müssen, um die Energiewende umzusetzen. Gemeinsam mit den ReferentInnen führte die Fachöffentlichkeit eine rege Diskussion über die damit verbundenen Herausforderungen und mögliche Lösungsansätze.
Hans-Joachim Ziesing Vorbereitung auf die dritte Runde

Politikszenarien für den Klimaschutz VI – Treibhausgas-Emissionsszenarien bis zum Jahr 2030 |

Im Projekt „Politikszenarien für den Klimaschutz VI“ werden die Treibhausgasemissionen für Deutschland auf der Basis von Modellanalysen für im Detail spezifizierte energie- und klimapolitische Instrumente analysiert. Diese Publikation ist ausschließlich als Download unter verfügbar.
Hansen J. Diekmann M.

Invasion and management of alien Hedychium gardnerianum (kahili ginger, Zingiberaceae) alter plant species composition of a montane rainforest on the island of Hawai’i |

Hedychium gardnerianum is a major invader of native Hawaiian forests and suspected of smothering native understory species and preventing native tree seedlings’ establishment. In this study, effects on species composition in six vegetation layers of a Hawaiian rainforest were examined (Tree Layer 1, Tree Layer 2, Fern-Shrub Layer, Herb Layer, Bryophyte–Herb Layer, and Bryophyte Layer). Three different area types were compared, which included (i) Natural area types with no influence of non-native species, (ii) Ginger area types with a Hedychium gardnerianum dominated herb layer, and (iii) Cleared area types, which were treated with herbicide to remove alien species in 1998. Species composition sampled in 2004 of the upper three vegetation layers (Tree Layer 1, Tree Layer 2, and Fern-Shrub Layer) differed little. The lower three vegetation layers (Herb Layer, Bryophyte–Herb Layer, and Bryophyte Layer) showed highly significant differences. Species composition in the Ginger area types showed notable abundances of non-native Psidium cattleianum, but low coverage of native species. In the area freed of Hedychium gardnerianum (Cleared area types), native species are regenerating, although it still reveals signs of disturbance. If this area is managed to prevent reinvasion, then it is likely to regain a natural forest structure.
Energie & Klimaschutz Stefan Porembski Hans-Juergen