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Cubdate #17: Get to Know the Cubs | Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute

At almost 11 months old, our cheetah cubs‘ personalities are shining! See Jabari, Hasani, Erindi and Amabala in the snow, and get an update on their training.
Recently, we have started to introduce them to the pole syringe in this environment with a gentle poke

#CheetahCubdate: New Cubs, New Den | Smithsonian's National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute

What’s life like for a 3-week-old cheetah cub? Read the latest about Echo’s litter of five adorable cubs in our latest animal update.
Image: Four of Echo’s five cubs poke their heads out of some tall grass.

How Fast Is an Ostrich? And More Fun Facts | Smithsonian's National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute

We’ve answered some of the most-searched questions about ostriches to get you better acquainted with these big, flightless birds.
Ostriches dig their nests in the ground and will sometimes poke their heads in to check on or move their

Jumping for Joy: Meet the Zoo’s New Baby Wallaby | Smithsonian's National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute

Experienced mom Victoria and first-time dad Winton welcomed a new joey, who is now starting to explore.
At around five and a half months, the joey will start to poke out its head and look around.

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Macaroni Penguin Facts and Information | SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment

Learn about the size, diet, population, habitat, behavior and other interesting facts about the macaroni penguin.
This is also the origin for the words to „Yankee Doodle“ sung during the Revolutionary War to poke fun

Narwhal Facts and Information | SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment

Learn about the size, diet, population, habitat, behavior and other interesting facts about the narwhal.
Some theorize that males „joust“ with their tusks or use them to poke their way through ice floes or

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Past Laughter: The Edges of Empathy

National Gallery of Art
To poke fun at authority is to question its power and to undermine potential obedience.

Past Laughter: The Edges of Empathy

National Gallery of Art
To poke fun at authority is to question its power and to undermine potential obedience.

Art Object Page

National Gallery of Art
The pointed toes of his shoe pokes through the small stirrup we can see.

Art Object Page

National Gallery of Art
A smaller buffalo looks on from our left, and a prairie dog pokes its head out of hole in the ground

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Meet your (newest) community volunteers—karaoke, dragons, and waterfalls! – Official Blog

Though her co-hikers poke fun at her for constantly talking about geocaching, she uses geocaches as waypoints

Mystery – Official Blog

will lose GPS signal immediately upon entering the cave and will have to use your best geosenses to poke

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Blog 1: Ellie Griffiths (FRAMES) — Imaginate

This week I was delighted to start a pilot artist residency with Imaginate, embedding me for the term in St Crispin’s school, which is for pupils who have severe needs (mainly non-verbal) on the autistic spectrum. This means a completely different way of working, which is primarily sensory. I knew this would be really challenging, but also fascinating to have to take theatre out its comfort zones and be forced to reimagine what it can be and do in this context.
for photos and film footage of their children to be used publicly… another fascinating minefield to poke

Blog 1: Ellie Griffiths (FRAMES) — Imaginate

This week I was delighted to start a pilot artist residency with Imaginate, embedding me for the term in St Crispin’s school, which is for pupils who have severe needs (mainly non-verbal) on the autistic spectrum. This means a completely different way of working, which is primarily sensory. I knew this would be really challenging, but also fascinating to have to take theatre out its comfort zones and be forced to reimagine what it can be and do in this context.
for photos and film footage of their children to be used publicly… another fascinating minefield to poke

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miniXplore I Child’s Area I Vienna Museum of Science & Technology

Immerse in creative STEM fun! The interactive exhibition for families & kids from age 3 to 8. Play, learn and explore. Limited slots. Reserve now!
auch sehr lustig \ud83d\udebd #museum #minixplore_tmw #tmw #technischesmuseumwien PS: das Ding ist ein Pok

miniXplore I Kinderbereich I Technisches Museum Wien

Kreative Entdeckungsreise: Vielfältige Bewegungslandschaft, MINT-Themen, Kooperation & mehr. Reservieren Sie Ihren Slot!
auch sehr lustig \ud83d\udebd #museum #minixplore_tmw #tmw #technischesmuseumwien PS: das Ding ist ein Pok

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Musik mit Pfiff

In der Musikwerkstatt bekommen kleine Kinder einen Einstieg in die Welt der Musik und der klassischen Orchesterinstrumente.
Wann & Wo Dienstags 16 bis 17 Uhr PÖKS in der Bremer City, Knochenhauerstr. 9 Die Termine und Anmeldung

Restart Wirtschaft Innenstadt - Spielmöglichkeiten für die Innenstadt schaffen

Es sollten mehr Spielmöglichkeiten in der Bremer Innenstadt geschaffen werden, um Anreize für Eltern und Kinder zu schaffen.
Stand Das Projekt Pöks, eine kostenlose Kinderbetreuung in der Bremer Innenstadt, wurde im Jahr 2023

Zukunftsfonds Innenstadt - Projekte in Planung

Verschiedene Projekte wurden geplant, um die Innenstadt zu optimieren: ein Schwerpunkt hierbei war, Leerstand innovativ entgegenzuwirken.
Konzept für den Domshof: Mehr Gastronomie, weniger Fahrzeuge (01.03.2022) Weiterführung Kinderbetreuung Pöks

International essen in Bremen

Afrikanisch, sri-lankisch, arabisch: Wir stellen euch Bremer Lokale vor, die eure Gaumen mit Gerichten aus der ganzen Welt verzaubern.
Vor dem Steintor 38 Ma’loa Poke Leckere Hawaiianische POKE Bowls.

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