Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Gift

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Deconstructing Divination: What do you know about the subject? | Wizarding World

Crystal balls… tea leaves… Seers… tarot cards… the art of Divination is a divisive one, both in the wizarding world, and in our real-life Muggle world. Today, gaze into the beyond with us as we look at the way Hogwarts teaches Divination – vs. the world of prophecy in history.
Seers are witches and wizards that have gift of Sight

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The Harry Potter characters whose Hogwarts houses are up for debate | Wizarding World

Do you feel more cunning than courageous? More loyal than wise? Everyone has doubts about who they are and – in theory – having a wise old hat tell you once and for all sounds like it would bring an end to all of that angst. But what if the doubts still creep in?
lost behind the Veil, as well as demonstrating a gift

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MinaLima celebrate 20 years of graphic design with the Wizarding World | Wizarding World

As the first Harry Potter film nears its 20th anniversary, we spoke to the graphic design masterminds behind the iconic props you see in the Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts films. Join Miraphora Mina and Eduardo Lima, as they reminisce over 20 years of surprises.
you think, “Gosh, that was a surprise, getting the gift

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25 things in the Harry Potter books that aren’t in the films: Part two | Wizarding World

The Harry Potter films were full of excitement, magic, drama and laughter. Yet, with thousands of pages of source material, some elements had to be tweaked or left out. So, we thought it would be fun to find 25 things that you can only discover by reading the books. Here is part two of that list…
beaten them too it – apparently he had a special gift

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Browse through our fan art gallery celebrating the 20th anniversary of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone | Wizarding World

From Harry’s meeting with Mr Ollivander to a sprawling illustration of the Hogwarts Quidditch pitch – you’ve been getting creative reminiscing about moments from the first Harry Potter film! Join us for a stroll down this enchanting gallery filled with artistic inspiration.
castle, I decided I’d paint this scene for him as a gift

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