Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: elfen

History of the Quidditch World Cup | Wizarding World

According to The Official Guide to the Quidditch World Cup – produced by the International Confederation of Wizards Quidditch Committee (ICWQC) and available through all reputable wizarding bookstores for what many feel is the ridiculously overpriced sum of thirty nine Galleons – the tournament has been held every four years since 1473. As with so much else about the wizarding world’s most important sporting competition, many query the accuracy of this statement.
Yumboes are a kind of African house-elf and they took

  • International
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I open at the close: 14 full-circle Harry Potter moments | Wizarding World

From the moment Harry first arrived on the Dursley’s doorstep to the final Battle of Hogwarts, the Harry Potter series covered a lot of ground. And yet there were certain breadcrumbs being laid out for us right from the beginning, that would end up being so important later on. Which of these Easter Eggs and earlier moments do you remember?
sacrificed himself to retrieve it and ordered his house-elf

  • International
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