Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Äthiopien

Landeskundliche Informationsseite: Äthiopien – [ Deutscher

The area orientation website (Landeskundiche Informationsseite/ LIS) on Ethiopia is one out of more than 30 profiles provided by the preparatory institution for development co-operation (V-EZ) of the InWEnt together with four partner institutions. Structured texts have been elaborated as an information source for experts who prepare themselves for an assignment to work in the resp ective country. However educational information is not the focal point of these pages. Explicitly it exists only in brief or implicitly imbedded in this comprehensive overview. Since the observation and interpretation of educational processes requires a solid knowledge of the socioeconomic conditions of the country concerned, this „area orientation“ is highly recommended. It comprises the following issues: Country Overview; State and Policy; Economy and Development; Culture and Society; Supplementary Facts and Information. From January 2011 onwards InWent is part of the GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit).
International Landeskundliche Informationsseite: Äthiopien