Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: vortrag

Hydro-CH2018 Wasserspeicher

Obwohl die Schweiz über reichlich Wasser verfügt, kann es zukünftig saisonal und regional zu Engpässen kommen. Mehrzweckspeicher stellen eine Möglichkeit dar, um zukünftige Wasserknappheit zu mindern. Dieses Projekt untersucht die Herausforderungen der Governance sowie der ökologischen, landschaftlichen und ökonomischen Auswirkungen von Mehrzweckspeichern.
Workshops und Vorträge 06/2021: Vortrag Kellner, Elke

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  • International
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Spatial Modeling in Building Design Evaluation

Uncertainty of spillover effects (including property devaluation) from proposed land-use change elicits opposition to local development and hinders cities to implement densification land-use policy. In this context, I review how existing 3D Computer-Aided-Design (3DCAD) is used to systematically generate and evaluate building-specific design performance and how this process can be co-opted to infer a design’s location-based amenity value. Connecting 3DCAD-based evaluations of building-specific visual landscape quality with financial market data, I present an integrated approach to predict the property value at risk due to newly-proposed development. Finally, I illustrate how a global assessment of the at-risk building stock allows cities and developers alike to mitigate development-associated spillover effects.
online Organisiert von: WSL Landscape Centre Vortrag

  • Wissen
  • International
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Climate-induced changes in the Alpine cryosphere and their geomorphic impacts

As in all the mountains of the world, the snow, glaciers and permafrost of the European Alps are undergoing major changes in relation to the current global change. After presenting a picture of this evolution of the cryosphere, which has been accelerating since the 1990s, all the more so as the mountains are more affected by the global warming, we will show its effects on geomorphic processes such as rock fall, rock and ice avalanches, debris flows, moraine failure, or lake dynamics.
Hörsaal, and Zoom-Webinar Organisiert von: WSL Vortrag

  • Wissen
  • International
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