Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Zagreb

Croatia: Showdown in Zagreb

On March 15, President Zoran Milanović shocked the Croatian public twice: firstly, when he postponed the parliamentary elections to April 17, a Wednesday. Just hours later, the president lashed out against the corruption practices of the permanently ruling HDZ and announced – still as a president – his candidacy as prime minister in a „government of national salvation“.
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Croatia: Empowering Istrian women to empower themselves

The Women’s Club of the liberal party „Istrian Democratic Assembly“ (IDS), established as official body of the party in 2013, organized a workshop to consider how the members can actively work to improve the situation for Istrian women. It was only fitting that the meeting was held during the start of the Carnival season, when symbolically everybody puts his or her old behavioural patterns and roles behind, striving to reach new goals and to set new frontiers. So did the Women’s Club.
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Slowenien und Kroatien: Von der Unabhängigkeit nach Europa. Und wie weiter?

In den letzten Jahren erinnerte die Stiftung für die Freiheit in zahlreichen Veranstaltungen und Publikationen an die „friedlichen Freiheitsrevolutionen“ vor dreißig Jahren, die in der deutschen Wiedervereinigung ihren vielleicht sinnbildlichsten Ausdruck fanden. Dieser revolutionäre demokratische Wandel erstreckte sich allerdings nicht auf den gesamten Kontinent. Insbesondere die Länder des ehemaligen Jugoslawiens litten unter Gewaltexzessen.
auf kroatische Art 20.03.2024 Showdown in Zagreb