Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Pisa

South Korea: Suizide in Südkorea

South Korea has by far the highest suicide rate among all OECD countries. With new measures, the government aims to save lives. However, a deeply rooted cause for the high number of suicides is challenging to eliminate: the immense societal pressure on individuals.
South Korea 16.01.2024 Jannik Krahe Tough Schools In PISA studies, South Korean students achieve

South Korea: Suizide in Südkorea

South Korea has by far the highest suicide rate among all OECD countries. With new measures, the government aims to save lives. However, a deeply rooted cause for the high number of suicides is challenging to eliminate: the immense societal pressure on individuals.
South Korea 16.01.2024 Jannik Krahe Tough Schools In PISA studies, South Korean students achieve

South Korea: Suizide in Südkorea

South Korea has by far the highest suicide rate among all OECD countries. With new measures, the government aims to save lives. However, a deeply rooted cause for the high number of suicides is challenging to eliminate: the immense societal pressure on individuals.
South Korea 16.01.2024 Jannik Krahe Tough Schools In PISA studies, South Korean students achieve

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Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr (FSJ) | Bielefeld

Jeweils zum 1. September eines Jahres bietet die Stadt Bielefeld 17 jungen Menschen die Möglichkeit, in einer städtischen Einrichtung der Erziehungshilfe, im sozialarbeiterischen Bereich des Amtes für soziale Leistungen oder in verschiedenen Kultureinrichtungen ein Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr (FSJ) abzuleisten.
Zum Beispiel im Schülercafé „Café Pisa” oder beim Spieleverleih in den Pausen sowie bei der Unterstützung