Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Palmen

Deconstructing Divination: What do you know about the subject? | Wizarding World

Crystal balls… tea leaves… Seers… tarot cards… the art of Divination is a divisive one, both in the wizarding world, and in our real-life Muggle world. Today, gaze into the beyond with us as we look at the way Hogwarts teaches Divination – vs. the world of prophecy in history.
There’s reading palms, where Professor Trelawney would

  • International
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What is the most underrated spell in the wizarding world? The debate | Wizarding World

Accio! Expelliarmus! Wingardium Leviosa! There are so many famous spells in the wizarding world, it’s easy to overlook some of the less common ones. Here are some of our favourite underrated spells. What would you add to this list?
And it makes your wand spin around merrily on the palm

  • International
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