Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Ottawa

Political settlements in peacebuilding and statebuilding

Political settlements have recently become the subject of engaged conceptual and strategic debate among some development agencies and donor countries. At a time when donor agencies have begun to overcome the traditional separation between peacebuilding activities and external engagement to rebuild functioning states (i.e., state building), political settlements might provide a useful lens to bridge conceptual differences and ambiguities that remain between the two fields. In particular, the settlement lens holds the promise of bringing a longer timeframe to the thinking about peace accords, and considerations of social accommodation to the way state building is conceptualized.
Jörn Grävingholt Stephen Brown, University of Ottawa

Securitization of Foreign Aid

This book-making project brought together scholars from North America and Europe to reflect upon the effects which the increased consideration of security concerns has had on development policies in major European and North American donor countries. The aim was to produce an edited volume or journal special issue on the theme.
Stephen Brown, Universtiy of Ottawa Zeitrahmen: 2009