Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Professor

Ranked: The best feel-good moments from Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts | Wizarding World

What’s your favourite Wizarding World feel-good moment? You know, that scene that really warmed the cockles of your heart when you first read it – or watched it? We’ve attempted to rank just a few of our fondest memories here.
, Harry is forced to relay the chain of events to Professor

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How many Easter eggs did you spot in our full-cast audiobooks announcement? | Wizarding World

Last week, we announced an exciting new audiobook project, where the Harry Potter books are set to be re-recorded with original scoring, immersive sound design, and individual performers (over 100 of them!) taking on beloved characters. But did you spot all the Harry Potter references in our announcement video?
Not to sound like a stern Hogwarts professor but…

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Jamie Ballard talks about playing Harry as third Cursed Child cast hits the West End stage | Wizarding World

Here we go again! The new Cursed Child family have officially taken over the West End production. Here’s how they’re getting on – with some words from our new Harry Potter, Jamie Ballard.
painting on his old ‘I must not tell lies’ scar from Professor

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Just seven reasons that show why we all still love Harry Potter books in 2020 | Wizarding World

Now that we’ve reached a whole new decade, what are Harry Potter fans’ reading habits like in 2020? We know Hogwarts doesn’t teach maths, and that Hermione misplaced her copy of Numerology and Grammatica, but we thought we’d crunch some fresh numbers for you all the same.
However, according to University of Dundee Professor

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