Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Exil

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WATCH: Discover the secrets of Sirius Black’s family | Wizarding World

The Black Family are known for their ties to Lord Voldemort and the Death Eaters, but what about those who didn’t support their pure-blood philosophy? Join WizardPHD as we dive into the history of the House of Black and its exiled members in our new video.
Sirius Black’s exile from his own family revealed just

  • International
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Werewolves | Wizarding World

There are werewolves worldwide and they have traditionally been pariahs in the wizarding communities from which they often spring; witches and wizards who are frequently involved in hunting or studying such creatures are exposed to a higher risk of attack than the average Muggle. In the late nineteenth century the great English authority on werewolves, Professor Marlowe Forfang, undertook the first comprehensive study of their habits. He found that nearly all those he managed to study and question had been wizards before being bitten. He also learned from the werewolves that Muggles ‘taste’ different to wizards and that they are much more likely to die of their wounds, whereas witches and wizards survive to become werewolves.
their condition and escape the inevitable shame and exile

  • International
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