Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Iran

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Lords Middle East inquiry to look at trade and energy – UK Parliament

The House of Lords International Relations Committee will this week hear from Lord Lamont of Lerwick, Chairman of the British-Iranian Chamber of Commerce and experts in energy economics as its inquiry on the future of the Middle East turns to the UK's economic links with the region
Hon Lord Lamont of Lerwick, UK Trade Envoy to Iran

  • International
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UK policy in the Middle East must change to reflect the new realities – Lords iInternational Relations Committee – UK Parliament

The House of Lords International Relations Committee today publishes a report which calls for a major re-shaping of UK policy in the Middle East and questions some of the assumptions and attitudes which have underlain both UK and Western policy for more than a century
The UK should work on a rapprochement with Iran despite

  • International
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