Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Bergbau

Kommunales Einflusspotenzial zur Treibhausgasminderung |

Auswirkungen flächendeckender strategischer Klimaschutzelemente und deren Potenzial für die NKI Das vorliegende Projekt unterstreicht die wichtige Rolle der Kommunen im ⁠Klimaschutz⁠: Die Ergebnisse zeigen die großen Potenziale eines flächendeckenden, ambitionierten kommunalen Klimaschutzes. Damit können die Kommunen maßgeblich zum Gelingen der nationalen Klimaschutzziele beitragen. Eine wichtige Rolle nimmt dabei das Klimaschutzmanagement ein, durch dessen Expertise und Kapazitäten es den Kommunen möglich ist mehr Klimaschutzprojekte zu planen und umzusetzen. Aus den Erkenntnissen ableitend, werden Empfehlungen aufgestellt für die Stärkung des kommunalen Klimaschutzes.
Ressourcen- und Produktpolitik Rohstoffe und Bergbau

Guideline for companies on managing and preventing Rebound effects |

This guide was produced within the framework of the project “Holistic Management of Energy and Resource Efficiency in Companies”, and was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of its “Research for Sustainability” (FONA). Project partners include: Oeko-Institut, Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW), Leuphana University (Centre for Sustainability Management), Data Center Group (DCG) and B.A.U.M. e.V.
Ressourcen- und Produktpolitik Rohstoffe und Bergbau

Policy brief: integrating biodiversity into sustainable production and consumption activities |

Biodiversity loss and the degradation of ecosystem services are among the greatest systemic risks for the global economy and the health of people and the planet. Policy makers must assume the leading role in tackling this issue. They are called upon to integrate the protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystem services into all policy agendas and strategies at all levels of government. This policy brief provides a set of recommendations and concrete entry points for action, for example to build momentum for addressing biodiversity issues in the international policy arena, to improve transparency and circularity in value chains, and to promote sufficiency-oriented behaviours. It also provides examples of specific policy instruments and tools for the practical implementation of these recommendations at national and regional levels.
Ressourcen- und Produktpolitik Rohstoffe und Bergbau

Policy frameworks for district heating: A comprehensive overview and analysis of regulations and support measures across Europe |

This paper presents an overview of policy frameworks for district heating (DH) in Europe. We develop a classification for policy aspects addressing DH, comprising regulation of ownership, prices, metering, consumer grid connection, third party access as well as support schemes and carbon taxes. This classification builds on existing literature and expert assessments collected in an online survey and interviews. The relevance of the paper lies in giving a comprehensive picture of the existing policy frameworks for DH in 23 European countries. For the overview, the countries are clustered along assigned categories. It is shown that the policy frameworks for DH can be clustered into five distinguishable groups. While some countries apply very strict regulations in special DH laws, others rely on less regulatory intervention, both with varying degrees of support for DH in place. The different policy frameworks are discussed in the context of the diffusion of DH and the integration of renewable and waste heat in DH. This analysis shows that high shares of DH and high shares of renewable and waste heat in DH can be observed in countries with a high degree of regulation as well as in countries with less regulatory intervention in DH markets.
Ressourcen- und Produktpolitik Rohstoffe und Bergbau