Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: sex

Pioneers of Science | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

The Nobel Prize is often dubbed the Oscar of science. In the Max Planck Society, 30 researchers have been honoured with the iconic award. To commemorate its anniversary, the MPG is showcasing a Digital Story and an exhibition delving into the significant scientific breakthroughs both in the present and the past. How has this research changed everyday life, industry and medicine since 1915 and shaped the modern world? The exhibition is currently touring six German cities this year, while the Digital Story can be accessed online at any time, offering continuous availability until further notice.
research in the 1930s, elucidating the nature of sex

Pioneers of Science | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

The Nobel Prize is often dubbed the Oscar of science. In the Max Planck Society, 30 researchers have been honoured with the iconic award. To commemorate its anniversary, the MPG is showcasing a Digital Story and an exhibition delving into the significant scientific breakthroughs both in the present and the past. How has this research changed everyday life, industry and medicine since 1915 and shaped the modern world? The exhibition is currently touring six German cities this year, while the Digital Story can be accessed online at any time, offering continuous availability until further notice.
research in the 1930s, elucidating the nature of sex

Post aus Perth / Australien | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Jozefien Van de Velde vom Kölner Max-Planck-Institut für Pflanzenzüchtungsforschung ist für zwei Monate nach Australien gereist. Im Outback machte sie sich auf die Suche nach Fröschen. Kein leichtes Unterfangen, denn ihre Studienobjekte sind nachtaktiv, verstecken sich bei Trockenheit unter der Erde und kommen nur nach starkem Regen zum Vorschein.
alle t-RNA-Gene für die Produktion von Proteinen Sex