Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: emotion

Meintest du emotions?

Risk factors for depression are less decisive in old age | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other risk factors for cardiovascular diseases also increase the likelihood of suffering from depressive mood or depression. Until now, however, it was unclear whether this influence changes over the course of life or is independent of age. A current study shows: Among those over 65, these risk factors play a smaller role in relation to depression than among younger.
She adds, „If regions responsible for emotion regulation

Eve’s Achilles Heel | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

In general, both men and women perform better in competitive situations. However, when women are in a state of elevated stress, competition has the opposite effect and leads to worse performance. As a consequence, women under stress increasingly shy away from competition, according to a recently published study from economic researchers from Germany, the Czech Republic and the Netherlands. Their results could help explain why women are underrepresented in high-paid jobs and in leadership positions. The results also have implications for efficient management practices, including hiring and performance incentives.
front of an evaluation committee, trained to show no emotion