Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Riese

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Beteigeuze – Ein Riese mit Makeln | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Beteigeuze, der helle Stern im Sternbild Orion, faszinierte die Astronomen in den letzten Monaten wegen seines ungewöhnlich starken Helligkeitsabfalls. Wissenschaftler haben eine Reihe von Szenarien diskutiert, um das Verhalten von Beteigeuze zu erklären. Nun hat ein Team unter der Leitung von Thavisha Dharmawardena vom Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie gezeigt, dass höchstwahrscheinlich ungewöhnlich große Sternflecken auf der Oberfläche von Beteigeuze dafür verantwortlich waren.
Newsroom Aus den Instituten Beteigeuze – Ein Riese

Max Planck Society meets in Berlin | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

From June 22 to 23, the research organization’s key decision-making bodies will meet in Berlin. Alongside the Scientific and Supporting Members of the Society, these are the Senate, the Executive Committee, and the Sections, which, amongst others, discuss the appointment of new Scientific Members. The General Assembly will adopt the Annual Report 2021. The Senate meeting on Thursday is eagerly awaited: the Chair of the Presidential Search Committee, Andreas Barner, will present the Commission’s proposal for a successor to President Martin Stratmann, who is stepping down from office in June 2023. And the event holds further highlights in store for the Max Planck community.
presentation of the awards (from left to right:) Cornelius Riese

Max Planck Society meets in Berlin | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

From June 22 to 23, the research organization’s key decision-making bodies will meet in Berlin. Alongside the Scientific and Supporting Members of the Society, these are the Senate, the Executive Committee, and the Sections, which, amongst others, discuss the appointment of new Scientific Members. The General Assembly will adopt the Annual Report 2021. The Senate meeting on Thursday is eagerly awaited: the Chair of the Presidential Search Committee, Andreas Barner, will present the Commission’s proposal for a successor to President Martin Stratmann, who is stepping down from office in June 2023. And the event holds further highlights in store for the Max Planck community.
presentation of the awards (from left to right:) Cornelius Riese

Max Planck Society meets in Berlin | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

From June 22 to 23, the research organization’s key decision-making bodies will meet in Berlin. Alongside the Scientific and Supporting Members of the Society, these are the Senate, the Executive Committee, and the Sections, which, amongst others, discuss the appointment of new Scientific Members. The General Assembly will adopt the Annual Report 2021. The Senate meeting on Thursday is eagerly awaited: the Chair of the Presidential Search Committee, Andreas Barner, will present the Commission’s proposal for a successor to President Martin Stratmann, who is stepping down from office in June 2023. And the event holds further highlights in store for the Max Planck community.
presentation of the awards (from left to right:) Cornelius Riese

Max Planck Society meets in Berlin | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

From June 22 to 23, the research organization’s key decision-making bodies will meet in Berlin. Alongside the Scientific and Supporting Members of the Society, these are the Senate, the Executive Committee, and the Sections, which, amongst others, discuss the appointment of new Scientific Members. The General Assembly will adopt the Annual Report 2021. The Senate meeting on Thursday is eagerly awaited: the Chair of the Presidential Search Committee, Andreas Barner, will present the Commission’s proposal for a successor to President Martin Stratmann, who is stepping down from office in June 2023. And the event holds further highlights in store for the Max Planck community.
presentation of the awards (from left to right:) Cornelius Riese

Exoplaneten mit Gravitationswellen entdecken | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

In einem aktuellen Beitrag in der Fachzeitschrift Nature Astronomy machen Forscher*innen des Max-Planck-Instituts für Gravitationsphysik (Albert-Einstein-Institut/AEI) in Potsdam und des französischen Centre de Recherche CEA Saclay in Paris einen Vorschlag, wie das geplante weltraumgestützte Gravitationswellen-Observatorium LISA Exoplaneten aufspüren kann. Und zwar solche, die in unserer Milchstraße und in den nahegelegenen Magellanschen Wolken Doppelsternsysteme Weißer Zwerge umkreisen. Diese neue Methode wird die Möglichkeiten der derzeitigen elektromagnetischen Beobachtungsmethoden erweitern und könnte es LISA ermöglichen, Planeten von mindestens 50 Erdmassen aufzuspüren.
sind Planeten, die sich nach der Phase als roter Riese