Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Galileo Galilei

Astronomy | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

The universe fascinates people, including planets, exoplanets, stars, galaxies or galaxy clusters. Astronomy makes people marvel, decorates children’s rooms and shakes world views. For astronomical research not only pushes the boundaries of knowledge, astronomers also seek answers to the big questions of human existence. How big is the universe? How did it come into being? Where do we come from? What is dark matter and dark energy? And are we alone in space or is there life out there?
telescope marked the beginning of a new era: in 1610, Galileo

Astronomy | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

The universe fascinates people, including planets, exoplanets, stars, galaxies or galaxy clusters. Astronomy makes people marvel, decorates children’s rooms and shakes world views. For astronomical research not only pushes the boundaries of knowledge, astronomers also seek answers to the big questions of human existence. How big is the universe? How did it come into being? Where do we come from? What is dark matter and dark energy? And are we alone in space or is there life out there?
telescope marked the beginning of a new era: in 1610, Galileo