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Against the odds | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

In 1908, Estonian-born Elisabeth Schiemann (1881–1972) is one of the first women allowed to study science in Berlin. One of her lecturers is the renowned breeding researcher Erwin Baur, who inspires the student’s interest in genetics, still a young discipline at the time. Under his supervision, she earns her doctorate on mutations in fungi; she subsequently qualifies as a professor at the Agricultural University with a thesis on barley.
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„Without Emmy Noether, there would be a huge gap in mathematics and its understanding“ | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Regarded as one of the founders of abstract algebra, she revolutionized mathematics and changed the world of physics, all at a time when women were still believed to be intellectually inferior to men: Emmy Noether was one the most important scientists of the last century. Noemi Combe from the MPI for Mathematics in the Natural Sciences talks about Emmy Noether.
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„Without Emmy Noether, there would be a huge gap in mathematics and its understanding“ | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Regarded as one of the founders of abstract algebra, she revolutionized mathematics and changed the world of physics, all at a time when women were still believed to be intellectually inferior to men: Emmy Noether was one the most important scientists of the last century. Noemi Combe from the MPI for Mathematics in the Natural Sciences talks about Emmy Noether.
talks about the biochemist Rosalind Franklin more Ada