Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Elton_John

英國唱作歌手 Ed Sheeran 加入香港杜莎夫人蠟像館

Ed Sheeran 蠟像由即日起進駐館內的「樂壇巨星」展區,今個聖誕大家可以和 Ed Sheeran 見面兼合照打卡!
於去年年底推出Ed Sheeran 與 Elton John 合唱的冠軍單曲《Merry Christmas

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Madame Tussauds Hollywood | 5 Interesting Facts about Madame Tussauds Hollywood

Did you know that the first wax museum in Madame Tussauds Hollywood was of Marilyn Monroe? Learn more interesting facts about the historic Madame Tussauds Hollywood wax museum. Featuring celebrity endorsed, life sized figures, there is always something interesting to find within the star studded interactive exhibits!
and Zac Efron; and music stars like Harry Styles, Elton

  • International
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