Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Shanghai – Palo Alto

The US city of Palo Alto, with some 67,000 inhabitants, is considered the capital of Silicon Valley. Back in 2013, the cities of Heidelberg and Palo Alto signed the “Smart City Alliance” agreement which formally confirmed the two cities’ strategic partnership. The key areas in this agreement are culture, business, sustainability and innovation, with a focus on the overarching theme of the “smart city”. In addition, particular attention is devoted to exchange involving young people and sport.
(Niederlande); Tsuchiura (Japan); Yangpu District(Shanghai – Hangzhou

The city of Hangzhou is situated in the north of the province of Zhejiang, one of the smallest but wealthiest provinces of China. Hangzhou has approximately nine million inhabitants and is the base of big companies such as Alibaba, of scientific institutions, technology parks, educational institutions and universities. In addition, because of its cultural diversity, the city is a touristic highlight attracting several million visitors every year.
Hangzhou is located roughly 190 km south-southwest of Shanghai

Hangzhou | Heidelberg

Die Stadt Hangzhou befindet sich im Norden der Provinz Zhejiang, eine der kleinsten, aber zugleich wohlhabendsten Provinzen Chinas. Hangzhou hat rund neun Millionen Einwohner und ist Sitz großer Unternehmen (zum Beispiel Alibaba), Wissenschaftseinrichtungen und Technologieparks sowie Bildungseinrichtungen und Universitäten. Zudem ist die Stadt durch ihre kulturelle Vielfalt ein touristisches Highlight, das jedes Jahr mehrere Millionen Besucher anzieht.
Lage Hangzhou liegt etwa 190 km süd-südwestlich von Shanghai