Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: past

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RELEASE: Youth in the Mediterranean: echoes of the past

Between 30 and 40% of young people own a house depending on the country. In most of the cases the financial support from parents was crucial (60/70%). This is one of the main findings of the Youth Trans Mediterranean Survey, a joint endeavor of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation Madrid office and its srategic partner Esade Centre for Economic Policy (EsadeEcpol) which will be launched in the last quarter of the year.
RELEASE Youth in the Mediterranean: echoes of the past

Liberalism and Corona?: Is the Coronavirus Crisis a Crisis of Liberalism?

Individual freedom always includes responsibility for its socially and ecologically sustainable use. In each case, he has said, which and whose freedoms should be given priority must be weighed up. According to Dierksmeier, it is the quality – and not the quantity – of our freedoms that matters most. After all, freedom does not mean maximising the options of the few, but optimising the opportunities of all global citizens.
exceptionally strong economic development in the past

Innovation: Smart City Festival 2021 – SMART RESTART

Although the pandemic keeps the world in turmoil, the Smart City Festival (SCF) traditionally happens in October, celebrating knowledge, freedom, and progress. Unfortunately, the opportunity of living normally is still a distant reality for people across the world, but this still couldn’t stop the Friedrich Naumann Foundation Western Balkans and its partners once again bringing international experts from business, science, and politics as well as regional stakeholde
fundamental generational need to avoid extrapolating the past

Italy: Election in Italy: The clock is ticking inexorably

Italy’s general election will be held on Sept. 25. The short, two-month election campaign so far has focused on inflation, rising living and energy costs, the Ukraine war and migration. Italy’s right-wing bloc, led by the far-right Fratelli d’Italia in coalition with the Lega and Forza Italia, has good prospects of achieving an absolute majority in both chambers, analyzes Rahel Zibner, Project Manager for Italy.
of the deputies are elected according to the first-past-the-post

ITALY: Meloni’s march towards Rome – Italy threatened with a shift to the right

For the first time, a woman has the chance to become Italy’s prime minister. Giorgia Meloni is female, modern and – ultra-right. She has managed to transform her party, the „Fratelli d’Italia (FdI)” (Brothers of Italy), from a fringe party to the strongest political force that also finds acceptance in the bourgeois camp. How could this happen? An attempt to explain the Meloni phenomenon.
she wants to concentrate on the future and not the past