Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: parliament

Liberal network: United for freedom in Southern Europe

FNF Madrid and various partner organizations of the foundation have launched in a festive inauguration ceremony the new network for ideas and impact in Southern Europe. The “Free³ Network” unites liberal think tanks from Spain, Italy and Portugal for the common goal of promoting freer societies and economic growth through intensified cooperation. The launch event in Madrid “underlines the importance of Spain and the country’s capital as an engine of growth, employment and social progress in Southern Europe,“ said David Henneberger, FNFs country director in Spain.
vice president of the liberal group in the German parliament

Event: Register for Civic Tech and Digital Citizenship Education Workshop Co-organized by g0v jothon and FNF before June 4!

g0v jothon, g0v Sch001, and FNF Global Innovation Hub will co-organize Civic Tech and Digital Citizenship Education Workshop Co-organized by g0v jothon and FNF in Berlin (Deutscher Caritasverband e.V. Haus der Deutschen Caritas, Reinhardtstraße 13, 10117 Berlin-Mitte) on June 5, 14:00-16:00 (GMT+2). Please click here to register before June 4!
Isabel served as a committee member of Taiwan’s Open Parliament

Event: Register for Civic Tech and Digital Citizenship Education Workshop Co-organized by g0v jothon and FNF before June 4!

g0v jothon, g0v Sch001, and FNF Global Innovation Hub will co-organize Civic Tech and Digital Citizenship Education Workshop Co-organized by g0v jothon and FNF in Berlin (Deutscher Caritasverband e.V. Haus der Deutschen Caritas, Reinhardtstraße 13, 10117 Berlin-Mitte) on June 5, 14:00-16:00 (GMT+2). Please click here to register before June 4!
Isabel served as a committee member of Taiwan’s Open Parliament

Event: Register for Civic Tech and Digital Citizenship Education Workshop Co-organized by g0v jothon and FNF before June 4!

g0v jothon, g0v Sch001, and FNF Global Innovation Hub will co-organize Civic Tech and Digital Citizenship Education Workshop Co-organized by g0v jothon and FNF in Berlin (Deutscher Caritasverband e.V. Haus der Deutschen Caritas, Reinhardtstraße 13, 10117 Berlin-Mitte) on June 5, 14:00-16:00 (GMT+2). Please click here to register before June 4!
Isabel served as a committee member of Taiwan’s Open Parliament