Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Zagreb

Politikum Corona: Der Westbalkan im geostrategischen Kräftespiel

Wie ein Katalysator verstärkt die Corona-Krise den „Trend zur Autokratisierung“. Russland und China üben durch die Lieferung von Impfstoff auf dem Westbalkan zunehmend mehr Einfluss aus. Das Abdriften Südosteuropas zu autoritären Bündnispartnern wird immer wahrscheinlicher, analysiert Michael Roick im Tagesspiegel.
Zagreb solle nicht mehr auf „weiteres Phrasendreschen

Parliamentary elections in Croatia: Croatia before the parliamentary elections

The political wrestling match in Croatia has begun: President Zoran Milanović and Prime Minister Andrej Plenković are facing off in a power struggle. With unconventional manoeuvres and sharp attacks on established politics, they are setting the course for the upcoming parliamentary elections. Who will emerge victorious from this epic duel? And what consequences will this have for Croatia and the EU?
centre right, takes part in a rally of his party in Zagreb

Political issue: Corona : The Western Balkans in the geostrategic power game

Like a catalyst, the Corona Crisis has favoured a „trend towards autocratization“. Russia and China are gaining more influence via the supply of vaccines to the West Balkans. A leaning of South-East European countries always more autocrat allies is beckoning increasingly likely, concludes Michael Roick doe the German Daily Mirror.
Zagreb should no longer wait for ‘further empty rhetoric